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RULE §5.4001Plan of Operation

      (i) first, to pay the expenses and claims of the association and to pay premiums for reinsurance under any reinsurance program approved by the Commissioner;

      (ii) second, to make payment of the net equity of association members on an annual basis, including all premium and other revenue of the association in excess of incurred losses and operating expenses, directly to the comptroller for deposit in the catastrophe reserve trust fund to be held by the comptroller outside the state treasury on behalf of, and with legal title in, the Texas Department of Insurance.

    (B) Funds are to be disbursed from the catastrophe reserve trust fund in accordance with §5.9903(c) of this title (relating to Operation of the Trust Fund). Funds disbursed from the catastrophe reserve trust fund may not be distributed to any member of the association for any purpose, and any funds disbursed to the association from the catastrophe reserve trust fund that remain unspent after payment of all losses and loss adjustment expenses arising out of an occurrence or series of occurrences shall be remitted to the comptroller for redeposit in the catastrophe reserve trust fund.

(d) Catastrophe Insurance.

  (1) The policy.

    (A) Approval. The association shall cause to be issued policies providing for catastrophe insurance and application forms therefor. The board of directors shall submit such policies and application forms to the Commissioner for approval. The Commissioner shall approve or reject such policies and application forms within 30 days of their submission. If the Commissioner takes no action regarding such forms and applications within such 30-day period, the forms and applications shall be deemed to have been approved by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall not be required to approve or reject such forms and applications as a group--the Commissioner may approve some policies and/or forms and reject other policies and/or forms provided, however, that if the Commissioner rejects a form, the Commissioner shall send to the association the reasons for such rejection. No application for or policy of catastrophe insurance shall be used by the association prior to its approval by the Commissioner.

    (B) Insurable property. The property eligible for catastrophe insurance shall be that property defined as "insurable property" in the Act, provided, however, that the term "insurable property" shall not include:

      (i) motor vehicles; and

      (ii) any structure consisting, in whole or in part, of a mobile home except as a mobile home may be described as being insurable property in this subsection.

    (C) Limits of liability.

      (i) The maximum limits of liability shall be determined by statute and set forth in the rules manual of the association adopted pursuant to §5.4501 of this title (relating to Rules and Regulations for Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association).

      (ii) In the event that the value of any risk exceeds the maximum amounts set forth in the rules manual, the association may waive the coinsurance requirements and charge a rate on a negotiated basis in accordance with procedures subject to review by the Department.

      (iii) Limits of liability for risks required to be insured by the association shall be adjusted for inflation as part of the annual hearing on property rates by the Commissioner to reflect any changes in the cost of construction or residential values in the catastrophe areas as determined by credible indexes. Indexing of liability limits shall apply after January 1, 1992.

    (D) Rates, rating plans, and rate rules applicable. The rates, rating plans, and rate rules applicable shall be those established pursuant to the Act, §8.

  (2) Applicant, acceptance, and rejection.

    (A) Forms. Any person having an insurable interest in insurable property located in a catastrophe area shall be entitled to apply to the association for catastrophe insurance in the manner provided herein. All applications for catastrophe insurance shall be made on forms prescribed by the board of directors of the association and approved by the Commissioner as provided in paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection. Such application forms shall contain a statement as to whether or not there are any unpaid premiums due from the applicant for insurance on the property. All applications shall be made on behalf of the applicant by a local recording agent.

    (B) Local recording agent. Commissions to be paid to a licensed agent shall be a percentage of the premium produced as may be determined by the board of directors. In event of cancellation of a policy, or if an endorsement is issued which requires premiums to be returned to the insured, the agent shall refund ratable commission on the unearned portion of canceled liability and on reductions in premiums at the same rate at which commissions were originally paid.

    (C) Submission. Application for catastrophe insurance shall be on the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by payment of the full amount of the premium and the inspection fee, if any.

    (D) Inspection of the risk. The board of directors shall determine the manner and scope which risks are to be inspected prior to the issuance of a policy of catastrophe insurance. The board of directors may issue a policy of catastrophe insurance on certain types of risks without an inspection provided that the application is accompanied by such information as the board of directors may require. The board of directors shall prepare a set of regulations dealing with the inspection of risks. Such regulations shall be submitted to the Commissioner for approval. The Commissioner may reject all or any portion of such regulations within 10 days of the date of their submission. If the Commissioner shall fail to reject all or any part of such regulations within 30 days of the date of their submission, then such regulations shall be deemed to have been approved.

    (E) Receipt of the application.

      (i) After receipt of the application, the full amount of the premium (and inspection fee, if any) and any required inspection report, the association shall:

        (I) cause a policy of catastrophe insurance to be issued; or

        (II) advise the agent or applicant that the risk is not acceptable, but will be acceptable if improvements are made by the applicant (in which case the association shall promptly advise the agent or applicant what improvements should be made to the property to make it acceptable; when the association has been satisfied that such improvements have been made and any additional inspection fee, if any, has been paid, then the association shall cause to be issued a policy of catastrophe insurance); or

        (III) advise the agent or applicant that the risk is not acceptable, and state the reasons therefore. The reasons for which a risk shall not be acceptable for catastrophe insurance are:

          (-a-) the risk is not insurable property as such term is defined in the Act and this section;

          (-b-) the amount of insurance requested is in excess of the limits of liability as set forth in this plan of operation or by law;

          (-c-) the risk fails to meet reasonable underwriting standards. Reasonable underwriting standards shall include, but shall not be limited to:

            (-1-) the amount of insurance requested, together with other insurance, is within relationship to the reasonable value (actual cash value or replacement cost value) of the property insured;

            (-2-) the physical condition of the property, such as its construction, maintenance, or general deterioration;

            (-3-) its present use or housekeeping;

            (-4-) in violation of law, public policy, morals and the character or integrity of the property owner or occupant;

          (-d-) such other reason as may be determined by the board of directors and approved by the Commissioner.

      (ii) New or increased coverage will be effective on the date received by the association or effective on the date the application is mailed if sent by registered or certified mail, or by United States Postal Service Express Mail, or if sent by regular mail that is hand canceled by the United States Postal Service, or if sent by such other similar mailing procedure as approved by the board of directors, prior to the time specified in this clause as an exception, unless the application for new or increased coverage stipulates a later date. Renewal policies will be effective to provide continuous coverage if the request for a renewal is received on or before the expiration of the existing policy. Exception: no new or increased coverage applications will be accepted on the day (beginning at 12:01 A.M.) or after a windstorm designated as a hurricane by the United States Weather Bureau is in the Gulf of Mexico or within the boundaries of 80 degrees west longitude and 20 degrees north latitude, until the General Manager determines that the storm no longer threatens property within the designated catastrophe area of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. This exception does not apply to any new or increased coverage application that meets underwriting criteria that is submitted as follows: delivered in person to the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association's Austin office during Cont'd...

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