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RULE §5.48Deductions for Contributions to Charitable Organizations

  (3) Prohibition against solicitation. A statewide federation or fund may not solicit a deduction from a state employee at the employee's worksite unless the solicitation is pursuant to the state employee charitable campaign.

(t) Prohibition against certain solicitation by eligible local charitable organizations. An eligible local charitable organization may not solicit a deduction from a state employee at the employee's worksite unless the solicitation is pursuant to the state employee charitable campaign.

(u) Acceptance of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations by state agencies.

  (1) Prohibition against accepting certain authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations. A state agency may accept an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization only if it complies with the comptroller's requirements.

  (2) Reviewing authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations. An authorization form or electronic deduction authorization submitted by a state employee to a state agency must be reviewed by the agency's campaign coordinator to ensure that the form or electronic deduction authorization has been completed properly.

  (3) Acceptance of altered authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations. A state agency is not required to accept an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization that contains an obvious alteration without the appropriate state employee's written consent to the alteration.

  (4) Review of online giving tool website and application data by agency campaign coordinator. A state agency's campaign coordinator may view the data from the online giving tool website and application to ensure that the information has been completed properly and to validate the accuracy of the information.

(v) Payment reports.

  (1) Monthly submission of payment reports.

    (A) An institution of higher education shall submit a payment report each month to each local campaign manager or statewide federation or fund that has received during the month deducted amounts from the institution's state employees.

    (B) The comptroller shall submit a payment report each month to each local campaign manager or statewide federation or fund that has received during the month deducted amounts through the comptroller's electronic funds transfer system.

  (2) Information included in payment reports.

    (A) An institution of higher education's payment report must include the amount and date of each check written to or electronic funds transfer made to a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund by the institution.

    (B) The comptroller's payment report must include the amount and date of each electronic funds transfer made to a local campaign manager or statewide federation or fund by the comptroller.

  (3) Format of payment reports. An institution of higher education's payment report must be in the format prescribed by the comptroller.

  (4) Deadline for submission of payment reports.

    (A) Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, an institution of higher education shall mail or deliver a payment report not later than the tenth workday of the month in which the institution paid the deducted amounts covered by the report. For deductions from salary or wages paid by an institution of higher education after the tenth workday of a month, the institution may include the deductions in the institution's payment report for the following month.

    (B) Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the comptroller shall mail or deliver a payment report not later than the fifth workday of the month in which the comptroller paid the deducted amounts covered by the report. For deductions from salary or wages paid by the comptroller after the first workday of a month, the comptroller may include the deductions in the comptroller's payment report for the following month.

(w) Complaints by state employees about coercive activity.

  (1) Definition.

    (A) In this section, "coercive activity" includes:

      (i) a state agency or its representative pressuring a state employee to participate in a state employee charitable campaign;

      (ii) a state agency or its representative inquiring about:

        (I) whether a state employee has chosen to participate in a state employee charitable campaign; or

        (II) the amount of a state employee's deduction except as necessary to administer the deduction;

      (iii) a state agency or its representative establishing a goal for 100% of the agency's state employees to authorize a deduction;

      (iv) a state agency or its representative establishing a dollar contribution goal or quota for a state employee;

      (v) a state agency, a statewide federation or fund, a local campaign manager, or a representative of the preceding developing or using a list of state employees who did not complete an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization during a state employee charitable campaign;

      (vi) a state agency, a statewide federation or fund, a local campaign manager, or a representative of the preceding using or providing to others a list of state employees who completed an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization during a state employee charitable campaign, unless the purpose of the list is to make a deduction or transmit deducted amounts to a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund; and

      (vii) a state agency or its representative using as a factor in a performance appraisal the results of a state employee charitable campaign in a particular section, division, or other level of the agency.

    (B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, "coercive activity" does not include:

      (i) the head of a state agency's participation in the customary activities associated with a state employee charitable campaign; or

      (ii) the head of a state agency's demonstration of support for the campaign in newsletters or other routine communications with state employees.

  (2) Submission of complaints to the comptroller. A state employee may submit a written complaint to the comptroller when the employee believes that coercive activity has occurred in a state employee charitable campaign.

  (3) Investigation by the comptroller of complaints.

    (A) The comptroller shall investigate a state employee's written complaint about coercive activity. The comptroller shall mail or deliver a description of the comptroller's findings about the complaint to the employee not later than the 30th day after the comptroller receives the complaint.

    (B) If the comptroller finds that coercive activity has occurred, then the comptroller shall mail or deliver notice of the finding to the state policy committee not later than the 30th day after the comptroller makes the finding.

  (4) Action by the state policy committee.

    (A) If the state policy committee receives written notification that the comptroller has found that coercive activity has occurred, then the committee shall take appropriate action. Actions that the state policy committee may take include suspension of the person or entity that engaged in the coercive activity from participation in the state employee charitable campaign for one campaign year.

    (B) A person or entity that has been suspended from the state employee charitable campaign for a campaign year may apply to the state policy committee for participation in the campaign for the next campaign year.

(x) Public junior colleges and their employees.

  (1) Classification as institutions of higher education and state employees. For the purposes of this section, a public junior college is considered to be an institution of higher education and the college's employees are considered to be state employees unless the college's governing board affirmatively decides for the college not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program.

  (2) Decisions not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program.

    (A) The decision of a public junior college's governing board for the college not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program is effective for only one fiscal year.

    (B) To be valid, the decision of a public junior college's governing board for the college not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program for a fiscal year must be made not earlier than September 1 and not later than April 1 of the preceding fiscal year.


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