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RULE §5.48Deductions for Contributions to Charitable Organizations

    (C) A public junior college's governing board shall ensure that the state campaign manager receives written notice of the board's decision for the college not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program. The board's failure to comply with this requirement does not, however, invalidate that decision.

  (3) Charitable deductions outside the state employee charitable contribution program.

    (A) This paragraph applies to a public junior college only if the college's governing board has decided for the college not to participate in the state employee charitable contribution program.

    (B) The governing board of a public junior college may allow the college's employees to authorize deductions from their salaries or wages for charitable contributions. The deductions must be voluntary.

    (C) The deductions must be made in accordance with any policies adopted by the board. Except for this paragraph, this section does not apply to those deductions.

(y) Requirements for online giving tool website and application.

  (1) An online giving tool website and/or application may be used by state employee to submit an electronic deduction authorization only if both the comptroller and the state policy committee have approved the online giving tool website and/or application.

  (2) Restrictions on approval of online giving tool website and/or application. Neither the comptroller nor the state policy committee may approve an online giving tool website and/or application unless the electronic deduction authorization produced through the electronic online giving tool:

    (A) states that statewide federations or funds and local campaign managers are required to use the percentage method to distribute a state employee's deducted amounts to eligible charitable organizations designated by the employee instead of matching deducted amounts received to actual designations;

    (B) accurately describes the percentage method; and

    (C) complies with the comptroller's requirements for format and substance.

Source Note: The provisions of this §5.48 adopted to be effective June 15, 1994, 19 TexReg 4253; amended to be effective February 15, 1999, 24 TexReg 978; amended to be effective February 15, 2010, 35 TexReg 1286; amended to be effective June 15, 2016, 41 TexReg 4289

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