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RULE §5.2004Medical Liability Insurance and General Liability Insurance

    (B) advise the agent or applicant that the applicant does not meet the underwriting standards of the association, in which case the association must indicate the reasons the applicant does not meet the underwriting standards.

(c) Cancellation, nonrenewal, and notice.

  (1) Cancellation by the association. The association may not cancel an insurance policy except for:

    (A) nonpayment of premium;

    (B) nonpayment of the applicable stabilization reserve fund charge;

    (C) nonpayment of assessment;

    (D) evidence of fraud or material misrepresentation;

    (E) cause that would have been grounds for nonacceptance of the risk under this subchapter had the cause been known to the association at the time the policy was issued;

    (F) any cause arising after the policy is issued that would have been grounds for nonacceptance of the risk under this subchapter had the cause existed at the time of acceptance; or

    (G) noncompliance with reasonable loss control or risk management recommendations under subsection (b)(4)(A)(vii) of this section. On cancellation of an insurance policy by the association, the association must refund to the insured the unearned portion of any paid premium and, if canceled within the 90th day of coverage, the unearned portion of the paid fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G on a pro rata basis, provided that all assessments and fund charges earned under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G have been fully paid; otherwise, only that portion of unearned premium over any unpaid assessment and fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G will be refunded. Policyholder assessments and fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G are fully earned on payment; therefore, except as provided in Insurance Code Chapter 2203 or §5.2003(c)(2) of this title (relating to Members and Policyholders Participation in the Texas Medical Liability Insurance Underwriting Association), no portion is refundable.

  (2) Cancellation by the insured. An insurance policy may be canceled at any time:

    (A) by the insured, on written request for cancellation of the policy; or

    (B) by an insurance premium finance company in accordance with Insurance Code Chapter 651.

  (3) Refund of unearned portion of paid premium. The association must refund the unearned portion of any paid premium and, if canceled within the 90th day of coverage, the unearned portion of the paid fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G according to the approved short-rate table, provided all assessments and fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G earned have been fully paid; otherwise, only that portion of the unearned premium over any unpaid assessment and fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G will be refunded. Policyholder assessments and fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G are fully earned on payment; therefore, except as provided in Insurance Code Chapter 2203 or §5.2003(c)(2) of this title, no portion is refundable.

  (4) Exhausted policy limits. If there is an outstanding claim or claims under any insurance policy on which a reserve or reserves have been established, which in the aggregate or when combined with losses previously paid under the policy equal or exceed the aggregate limits of coverage under the policy, the association must notify the insured. At the insured's option, the policy may be canceled. If the policy is canceled, the premium must be considered fully earned and the insured may apply for a new policy to be effective concurrently with the termination date of the canceled policy.

  (5) Notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, or premium increase.

    (A) The association may cancel a medical liability insurance policy and general liability insurance policy, or decline to renew a policy for any reason listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection at any time within the first 90 days from the effective date of the policy by sending 90 days written notice to the insured.

    (B) The association may cancel a medical liability insurance policy and general liability insurance policy or decline to renew a policy for nonpayment of premium, assessments, or fund charges under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter G, or for loss of license, charter, certification, or accreditation at any time during the policy period by sending 10 days' written notice to the insured.

    (C) Notice of cancellation or nonrenewal under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph must contain a statement of the reason for the cancellation or nonrenewal and a statement that the insured has the right to appeal under Insurance Code Chapter 2203, Subchapter I.

    (D) The association must give at least 90 days' written notice to an insured before increasing the premium by reason of a rate increase on the insured's medical liability insurance policy. The notice must state the amount of the increase.

  (6) General liability insurance. A general liability insurance policy issued by the association under Insurance Code §2203.151(b) automatically terminates on the same effective date and time as the termination of the medical liability insurance policy.

(d) Suspension of policy. The association must, on written request from a policyholder subject to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 (50 United States Code App. §§501, et seq.), suspend the policy issued by the association, in accordance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003.

(e) Removal of risks. Any member, or self-insurance trust established under Insurance Code Chapter 2212, at any time, on written consent from the insured filed with the association, may write the risk as regular business, in which event the association must cancel its policy pro rata as of a date and time specified by the manager of the association. The association will require written confirmation that the member or self-insurance trust is taking the risk out of the association before allowing pro rata cancellation.

(f) Payment of claims.

  (1) Report of loss. All losses must be reported to the association in the manner prescribed by the board of directors.

  (2) Adjustment of loss. All losses must be adjusted in the manner designated by the board of directors subject to the provisions of this plan of operation and the insurance laws of Texas.

Source Note: The provisions of this §5.2004 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976; amended to be effective October 31, 1984, 9 TexReg 5426; amended to be effective January 19, 1988, 13 TexReg 124; amended to be effective March 18, 1993, 18 TexReg 1411; amended to be effective April 7, 1997, 22 TexReg 3039; amended to be effective January 23, 2005, 30 TexReg 76; amended to be effective August 27, 2017, 42 TexReg 4139; amended to be effective September 16, 2020, 45 TexReg 6363

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