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RULE §511.48Abuse and Neglect Issues

      (iii) provide a safe environment for an individual with mental illness, including the failure to maintain adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff.

  (9) Unethical conduct--Conduct prohibited by the ethical standards adopted by state or national professional organizations for their respective professions or by rules established by the state licensing agency for the respective profession.

  (10) Unprofessional conduct--Conduct prohibited under rules adopted by the state licensing agency for the respective profession.

(c) An LSRH shall prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area that is readily visible to patients, residents, volunteers, employees, and visitors a statement of the duty to report abuse and neglect, or illegal, unethical or unprofessional conduct in accordance with HSC §161.132(e). The statement shall be in English and in a second language appropriate to the demographic makeup of the community served and contain the current HHSC patient information and complaint line phone number. The LSRH shall ensure the following individuals are aware of the reporting requirements required under HSC §161.132.

  (1) In accordance with HSC §161.132(a), a person, including an employee, volunteer, or other person associated with the LSRH who reasonably believes or who knows of information that would reasonably cause a person to believe that the physical or mental health or welfare of a patient of the facility who is receiving mental health or chemical dependency services has been, is, or will be adversely affected by abuse or neglect (as those terms are defined in subsection (b) of this section) by any person, shall as soon as possible report the information supporting the belief to HHSC or to the appropriate state health care regulatory agency.

  (2) In accordance with HSC §161.132(b), an LSRH employee or other person associated with the LSRH, including a health care professional, who reasonably believes or who knows of information that would reasonably cause a person to believe the LSRH, an employee, or health care professional associated with the LSRH, has, is, or will be engaged in conduct that is or might be illegal, unprofessional, or unethical and that relates to the operation of the LSRH or mental health or chemical dependency services provided in the LSRH, shall as soon as possible report the information supporting the belief to HHSC or to the appropriate state health care regulatory agency.

(d) In accordance with HSC §161.133 (relating to Inservice Training), an LSRH providing comprehensive medical rehabilitation, mental health or substance use services shall annually provide, as a condition of continued licensure, a minimum of eight hours of in-service training designed to assist employees and health care professionals associated with the facility in identifying patient abuse or neglect and illegal, unprofessional, or unethical conduct by or in the LSRH and establish a means for monitoring compliance with the requirement.

(e) A health care professional who fails to report abuse and neglect or illegal, unprofessional, or unethical conduct as required by subsection (c)(2) of this section shall be referred by HHSC to the individual's licensing board for appropriate disciplinary action.

(f) In addition to the reporting requirements described in subsection (c)(2) of this section, a mental health services provider must report suspected sexual exploitation in accordance with Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §81.006 (relating to Duty to Report).

Source Note: The provisions of this §511.48 adopted to be effective October 5, 2023, 48 TexReg 5668

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