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RULE §511.58Renal Dialysis Services

  (17) Prior to batch preparation, a label shall be affixed to the mixing tank that includes the date of preparation and the chemical composition or formulation of the concentrate being prepared. This labeling shall remain on the mixing tank until the tank has been emptied.

  (18) Mixing tanks shall be permanently labeled to identify the chemical composition or formulation of their contents.

  (19) At a minimum, single machine containers shall be labeled with sufficient information to differentiate the contents from other concentrate formulations used in the LSRH and permit positive identification by users of container contents.

  (20) Permanent records of batches produced shall be maintained to include the concentrate formula produced, the volume of the batch, lot number(s) of powdered concentrate packages, the manufacturer of the powdered concentrate, date and time of mixing, test results, person performing mixing, and expiration date (if applicable).

  (21) If dialysate concentrates are prepared in the facility, the manufacturers' recommendations shall be followed regarding any preventive maintenance. Records shall be maintained indicating the date, time, person performing the procedure, and the results (if applicable).

(cc) With the advice and consent of a patient's attending nephrologist, facility staff shall make the hepatitis B vaccine available to a patient who is susceptible to hepatitis B, provided that the patient has coverage or is willing to pay for vaccination.

(dd) The LSRH shall make available to patients literature describing the risks and benefits of the hepatitis B vaccination.

(ee) A patient new to dialysis shall have been screened for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) within one month before or at the time of admission to the facility or have a known hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) status of at least 10 milli-international units per milliliter no more than 12 months prior to admission. The LSRH shall document how this screening requirement is met.

  (1) Repeated serologic screening shall be based on the antigen or antibody status of the patient.

  (2) Monthly screening for HBsAg is required for patients whose previous test results are negative for HBsAg.

  (3) Screening of HBsAg-positive or anti-HBs-positive patients may be performed on a less frequent basis, provided that the LSRH's policy on this subject remains congruent with Appendices i and ii of the National Surveillance of Dialysis Associated Disease in the United States, 2000, published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

(ff) The LSRH shall treat patients positive for HBsAg in a segregated treatment area that includes a hand washing sink, a work area, patient care supplies and equipment, and sufficient space to prevent cross-contamination to other patients.

  (1) A patient who tests positive for HBsAg shall be dialyzed on equipment reserved and maintained for the HBsAg-positive patient's use only.

  (2) When a caregiver is assigned to both HBsAg-negative and HBsAg-positive patients, the HBsAg-negative patients assigned to this grouping must be hepatitis B antibody positive. Hepatitis B antibody positive patients are to be seated at the treatment stations nearest the isolation station and be assigned to the same staff member who is caring for the HBsAg-positive patient.

  (3) If an HBsAg-positive patient is discharged, the equipment that had been reserved for that patient shall be given intermediate level disinfection prior to use for a patient testing negative for HBsAg.

  (4) In the case of patients new to dialysis, if these patients are admitted for treatment before results of HBsAg or anti-HBs testing are known, these patients shall undergo treatment as if the HBsAg test results were potentially positive, except that they shall not be treated in the HBsAg isolation room, area, or machine.

    (A) The LSRH shall treat potentially HBsAg-positive patients in a location in the treatment area that is outside of traffic patterns until the HBsAg test results are known.

    (B) The dialysis machine used by this patient shall be given intermediate level disinfection prior to its use by another patient.

    (C) The LSRH shall obtain HBsAg status results of the patient no later than three days from admission.

Source Note: The provisions of this §511.58 adopted to be effective October 5, 2023, 48 TexReg 5668

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