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RULE §510.123Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (i) Each patient room shall be served by at least one nurses regular calling station for two-way voice communication. Each patient bed shall be provided with a call button. Two call buttons serving adjacent beds may be served by one calling station. In rooms containing two or more calling stations, indicating lights shall be provided at each station. Nurses calling systems shall be equipped with an indicating light at each calling station which remains lighted as long as the voice circuit is operating.

      (ii) A nurses emergency calling system shall be provided at each inpatient water closet, bathtub and shower in accordance with §134.122(d)(5)(K)(ii) of this title. When conveniently located one emergency call station may serve one bathroom.

      (iii) A staff emergency assistance calling system for staff to summon additional assistance shall be provided in central bathing facility rooms and exam/treatment rooms in accordance with §134.122(d)(5)(K)(iii) of this title.

      (iv) All nurse call hardware shall have tamper resistant fasteners.

      (v) A call system shall be provided at all seclusion anterooms.

    (C) Illumination requirements.

      (i) General illumination requirements. Nursing suite corridors shall have general illumination with provisions for reducing light levels at night. Illumination of corridors for egress purposes shall comply with NFPA 101, §§18-2.8 and 18-2.9.

      (ii) Illumination of the nurses station. Illumination of the nurses station and all nursing support areas shall be with fixtures powered from the critical branch of the emergency electrical system NFPA 99, §3-

      (iii) Patient suite lighting.

        (I) Each patient room shall be provided with general lighting and night lighting. General lighting and night lighting shall be controlled at the room entrance. All controls for lighting in patient areas shall be of the quiet operating type. Control of night lighting circuits may be achieved by automatic means and in such instances control of night lighting at the room entrance shall not be required. At least one general light fixture and night lighting shall be powered from the critical branch of the essential electrical system.

        (II) A reading light shall be provided for each patient. Reading light control shall be readily accessible from each patient bed. High heat producing light sources such as incandescent and halogen shall be avoided to prevent burns to patients and/or bed linen. Light sources shall be covered by a diffuser or a lens.

        (III) A wall or ceiling mounted lighting fixture shall be provided above each lavatory.

        (IV) A ceiling mounted fixture shall be provided in patient bathrooms where the lighting fixture above the lavatory does not provide adequate illumination of the entire bathroom. Some form of fixed illumination shall be powered from the critical branch.

(o) Pharmacy suite.

  (1) Architectural requirements.

    (A) General. The pharmacy room or suite shall be located for convenient access, staff control, and security for drugs and personnel.

    (B) Dispensing area. The pharmacy room or suite shall include the following functional spaces and facilities:

      (i) area(s) for pickup, receiving, reviewing and recording;

      (ii) extemporaneous compounding area with sufficient counter space for drug preparation and sink with hands-free operable controls;

      (iii) work counter space for automated and manual dispensing activities;

      (iv) storage or areas for temporary storage, exchange, and restocking of carts; and

      (v) security provisions for drugs and personnel in the dispensing counter area.

    (C) Manufacturing. The pharmacy room or suite shall provide the following functional spaces and facilities.

      (i) When bulk compounding area is required, work space and counters shall be provided.

      (ii) When packaging, labeling and quality control is required, an area(s) shall be provided.

    (D) Storage. The following spaces shall be provided in cabinets, shelves, and/or separate rooms or closets:

      (i) space for bulk storage, active storage, and refrigerated storage;

      (ii) storage in a fire safety cabinet or storage room that is constructed under the requirements for protection from hazardous areas in accordance with NFPA 101, Chapter 12, for alcohol or other volatile fluids, when used; and

      (iii) storage space for general supplies and equipment not in use.

    (E) Administrative area(s). An administrative area for the pharmacy is optional for crisis stabilization units. The following functional spaces and facilities shall be included for the administrative area(s):

      (i) office area for the chief pharmacist and any other offices areas required for records, reports, accounting activities, and patients profiles;

      (ii) poison control center with storage facilities for reaction data and drug information centers; and

      (iii) a room or area for counseling and instruction when individual medication pick-up is available for inpatients or outpatients.

    (F) Service areas. The following service areas and items shall be provided.

      (i) Intravenous (IV) solutions area. When IV solutions are prepared in a pharmacy, a sterile work area with a laminar-flow workstation designed for product protection shall be provided.

      (ii) Satellite pharmacy. When provided, the room(s) shall include a work counter, a sink with hands-free operable controls, storage facilities, and refrigerator for medications.

      (iii) Hand washing amenities. A hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be located in each room where open medication is handled.

      (iv) Staff toilets. Toilets may be outside the suite but shall be convenient for staff use.

  (2) Mechanical Requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §134.122(d)(3) of this title and this paragraph. When IV solutions are prepared, the required laminar-flow system shall include a non-hygroscopic filter rated at 99.97% (HEPA). A pressure gauge shall be installed for detection of filter leaks or defects.

  (3) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §134.122(d)(4) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Material used for plumbing fixtures shall be non-absorptive and acid-resistant.

    (B) Water spouts used at lavatories and sinks shall have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating utensils and the contents of carafes, etc.

  (4) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §134.122(d)(5) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Under-counter receptacles and conduits shall be arranged (raised) to not interfere with cleaning of the floor below or of the equipment.

    (B) Exhaust hoods shall have an indicator light indicating that the exhaust fan is in operation.

    (C) Electrical circuit(s) to equipment in wet areas shall be provided with five milliampere GFCI.

(p) Rehabilitation therapy suite.

  (1) Occupational therapy. When occupational therapy services are provided, the following shall be included:

    (A) an activity room with work areas, counters and a hand washing fixture. Counters shall be wheel chair accessible;

    (B) a storage room for supplies and equipment;

    (C) secured storage for potential harmful supplies and equipment; and

    (D) remote electrical switching for potentially harmful equipment.

  (2) Physical therapy. When physical therapy services are provided, the following rooms shall be included.

    (A) When services required by the narrative program for thermotherapy, diathermy, ultrasonics, and hydrotherapy, individual treatment areas shall be provided.

    (B) An individual treatment area(s) shall be a minimum of 70 square feet of clear floor area exclusive of four foot aisle space. Privacy screens or curtains shall be provided at each treatment station.

    (C) A hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided in each treatment room/space. A hand washing fixture may serve several patient stations when cubicles or open room concepts are used and when the fixture is conveniently located.

    (D) An area shall be provided for exercise and may be combined with treatment areas in open plan concepts.

    (E) Provisions for the collection and storage of wet and soiled linen shall be provided.

    (F) A storage area or room for equipment, clean linen, and supplies shall be provided.


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