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RULE §511.58Renal Dialysis Services

  (42) If used, hot water disinfection systems shall be monitored for temperature and time of exposure to hot water as specified by the manufacturer. Temperature of the water shall be recorded at a point furthest from the water heater, where the lowest water temperature is likely to occur. The water temperature shall be measured each time a disinfection cycle is performed. A record that verifies successful completion of the heat disinfection shall be maintained.

  (43) After chemical disinfection, means shall be provided to restore the equipment and the system in which it is installed to a safe condition relative to residual disinfectant prior to the product water being used for dialysis applications.

  (44) Samples of product water must be submitted for chemical analysis every six months and must demonstrate that the quality of the product water used to prepare dialysate or concentrates from powder, meets §4.2.2 (relating to Maximum Level of Chemical Contaminants) of the American National Standard, Water Treatment Equipment for Hemodialysis Applications, August 2001 Edition, published by the AAMI.

  (45) Samples for chemical analysis shall be collected at the end of the water treatment components and at the most distal point in each water distribution loop, if applicable. All other outlets from the distribution loops shall be inspected to ensure that the outlets are fabricated from compatible materials. Appropriate containers and pH adjustments shall be used to ensure accurate determinations. New LSRHs or LSRHs that add or change the configuration of the water distribution system must draw samples at the most distal point for each water distribution loop, if applicable, on a one time basis.

  (46) Additional chemical analysis shall be submitted if substantial changes are made to the water treatment system or if the percent rejection of an RO system decreased 5.0% or more from the percent rejection measured at the time the water sample for the preceding chemical analysis was taken.

  (47) LSRH records must include all test results and evidence that the medical director has reviewed the results of the water quality testing and directed corrective action when indicated.

  (48) Only persons qualified by the education or experience may operate, repair, or replace components of the water treatment system.

  (49) Quality control procedures shall be established to ensure ongoing conformance to policies and procedures regarding dialysate quality.

(p) Each LSRH shall set all hemodialysis machines to use only one family of concentrates. When new machines are put into service or the concentrate family or concentrate manufacturer is changed, samples shall be sent to a laboratory for verification.

(q) Prior to each patient treatment, LSRH staff shall verify the dialysate conductivity and pH of each machine with an independent device.

(r) The LSRH shall conduct bacteriological testing.

(s) Responsible LSRH staff shall develop a schedule to ensure each hemodialysis machine is tested quarterly for bacterial growth and the presence of endotoxins. Hemodialysis machines of home patients shall be cultured monthly until results not exceeding 200 CFU/ml are obtained for three consecutive months, then quarterly samples shall be cultured.

(t) Dialysate shall contain less than 200 CFU/ml and an endotoxin concentration of less than 2 EU/ml. The action level for total viable microbial count shall be 50 CFU/ml and the action level for endotoxin concentration shall be 1 EU/ml.

(u) Disinfection and retesting shall be done when bacterial or endotoxin counts exceed the action levels. Additional samples shall be collected when there is a clinical indication of a pyrogenic reaction and/or septicemia.

(v) Only a licensed nurse may use an additive to increase concentrations of specific electrolytes in the acid concentrate. Mixing procedures shall be followed as specified by the additive manufacturer. When additives are prescribed for a specific patient, the container holding the prescribed acid concentrate shall be labeled with the name of the patient, the final concentration of the added electrolyte, the date the prescribed concentrate was made, and the name of the person who mixed the additive.

(w) All components used in concentrate preparation systems (including mixing and storage tanks, pumps, valves, and piping) shall be fabricated from materials (e.g., plastics or appropriate stainless steel) that do not interact chemically or physically with the concentrate so as to affect its purity, or with the germicides used to disinfect the equipment. The use of materials that are known to cause toxicity in hemodialysis such as copper, brass, galvanized material, and aluminum is prohibited.

(x) LSRH policies shall address means to protect stored acid concentrates from tampering or from degeneration due to exposure to extreme heat or cold.

(y) Procedures to control the transfer of acid concentrates from the delivery container to the storage tank and prevent the inadvertent mixing of different concentrate formulations shall be developed, implemented, and enforced. The storage tanks shall be clearly labeled.

(z) Concentrate mixing systems shall include a purified water source, a suitable drain, and a ground fault-protected electrical outlet.

(aa) Operators of mixing systems shall use personal protective equipment as specified by the manufacturer during all mixing processes.

(bb) The manufacturer's instructions for use of a concentrate mixing system shall be followed, including instructions for mixing the powder with the correct amount of water. The number of bags or weight of powder added shall be determined and recorded.

  (1) The mixing tank shall be clearly labeled to indicate the fill and final volumes required to correctly dilute the powder.

  (2) Systems for preparing either bicarbonate or acid concentrate from powder shall be monitored according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  (3) Concentrates shall not be used, or transferred to holding tanks or distribution systems, until all tests are completed.

  (4) If an LSRH designs its own system for mixing concentrates, procedures shall be developed and validated using an independent laboratory to ensure proper mixing.

  (5) Acid concentrate mixing tanks shall be designed to allow the inside of the tank to be rinsed when changing concentrate formulas.

  (6) Acid mixing systems shall be designed and maintained to prevent rust and corrosion.

  (7) Acid concentrate mixing tanks shall be emptied completely and rinsed with product water before mixing another batch of concentrate to prevent cross contamination between different batches.

  (8) Acid concentrate mixing equipment shall be disinfected as specified by the equipment manufacturer or in the case where no specifications are given, as defined by LSRH policy.

  (9) Records of disinfection and rinsing of disinfectants to safe residual levels shall be maintained.

  (10) Bicarbonate concentrate mixing tanks shall have conical or bowl-shaped bottoms and shall drain from the lowest point of the base. The tank design shall allow all internal surfaces to be disinfected and rinsed.

  (11) Bicarbonate concentrate mixing tanks shall not be prefilled the night before use.

  (12) If disinfectant remains in the mixing tank overnight, this solution must be completely drained and the tank must be rinsed and tested for residual disinfectant prior to preparing the first batch of that day of bicarbonate concentrate.

  (13) Unused portions of bicarbonate concentrate shall not be mixed with fresh concentrate.

  (14) At a minimum, bicarbonate distribution systems shall be disinfected weekly. More frequent disinfection shall be done if required by the manufacturer, or if dialysate culture results are above the action level.

  (15) If jugs are reused to deliver bicarbonate concentrate to individual hemodialysis machines:

    (A) jugs shall be emptied of concentrate, rinsed, and inverted to drain at the end of each treatment day;

    (B) at a minimum, jugs shall be disinfected weekly, and more frequent disinfection shall be considered by the medical director if dialysate culture results are above the action level; and

    (C) following disinfection, jugs shall be drained, rinsed free of residual disinfectant, and inverted to dry. Testing for residual disinfectant shall be done and documented.

  (16) All mixing tanks, bulk storage tanks, dispensing tanks, and containers for single hemodialysis treatments shall be labeled as to the contents.


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