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RULE §511.61Nursing Services

  (2) increase the use of ergonomic principles and ergonomically designed devices to reduce injury and fatigue.

(cc) The policies and procedures adopted under subsection (bb) of this section must address at least the following:

  (1) evaluating new products and technology that incorporate ergonomic principles;

  (2) educating nurses in the application of ergonomic practices;

  (3) conducting workplace audits to identify areas of risk of injury, occupational illness, or violence and recommending ways to reduce those risks;

  (4) controlling access to those areas identified as having a high risk of violence; and

  (5) promptly reporting crimes committed against nurses to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

(dd) The LSRH shall adopt, implement and enforce policies and procedures to identify, assess, and develop strategies to control risk of injury to patients and nurses associated with the lifting, transferring, repositioning, or movement of a patient. The policies and procedures shall establish a process that includes at least the following:

  (1) analysis of the risk of injury to both patients and nurses posed by the patient handling needs of the patient populations served by the LSRH and the physical environment in which patient handling and movement occurs;

  (2) education of nurses in the identification, assessment, and control of risks of injury to patients and nurses during patient handling;

  (3) evaluation of alternative ways to reduce risks associated with patient handling, including evaluation of equipment and the environment;

  (4) restriction, to the extent feasible with existing equipment and aids, of manual patient handling or movement of all or most of a patient's weight to emergency, life-threatening, or otherwise exceptional circumstances;

  (5) collaboration with and annual report to the nurse staffing committee;

  (6) procedures for nurses to refuse to perform or be involved in patient handling or movement that the nurse believes in good faith will expose a patient or a nurse to an unacceptable risk of injury;

  (7) submission of an annual report to the governing body on activities related to the identification, assessment, and development of strategies to control risk of injury to patients and nurses associated with the lifting, transferring, repositioning, or movement of a patient; and

  (8) development of architectural plans for constructing or remodeling a LSRH or a unit of an LSRH in which patient handling and movement occurs, with consideration of the feasibility of incorporating patient handling equipment or the physical space and construction design needed to incorporate that equipment at a later date.

Source Note: The provisions of this §511.61 adopted to be effective October 5, 2023, 48 TexReg 5668

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