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RULE §556.12Waiver, Reciprocity, and Exemption Requirements

(a) HHSC may waive the requirement for a nurse aide to take the NATCEP specified in §556.3 of this chapter (relating to Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP) Requirements) and issue a certificate of registration and place a nurse aide on the Nurse Aide Registry (NAR) on active status if the nurse aide:

  (1) submits proof of completing a nurse aide training course of at least 100 hours duration before July 1, 1989, through the online portal;

  (2) submits HHSC Form 5506-NAR, Employment Verification, to HHSC through the online portal to document that the nurse aide performed nursing or nursing-related services for monetary compensation at least once every two years since July 1, 1989;

  (3) is not listed as unemployable on the EMR;

  (4) has not been convicted of a criminal offense listed in Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) §250.006(a) and (c), or convicted of a criminal offense listed in THSC §250.006(b) within the preceding five years; and

  (5) completes HHSC Form 5507-NAR, Waiver of Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program, and submits it to HHSC through the online portal.

(b) HHSC issues the certificate of registration through the online portal and places a nurse aide on the NAR by reciprocity if:

  (1) the nurse aide is listed as having active status on another state's registry of nurse aides;

  (2) the other state's registry of nurse aides is in compliance with the Act;

  (3) the nurse aide is not listed as unemployable on the EMR;

  (4) the nurse aide has not been convicted of a criminal offense listed in THSC §250.006(a) and (c), or convicted of a criminal offense listed in THSC §250.006(b) within the preceding five years; and

  (5) the nurse aide completes a Request for Entry on the Texas Nurse Aide Registry Through Reciprocity, via the online portal.

(c) A person is eligible to take a competency evaluation with an exemption from the nurse aide training specified in §556.3 of this chapter if the individual:

  (1) meets one of the following requirements for eligibility:

    (A) is seeking renewal under §556.9 of this chapter (relating to Certificate of Registration, Nurse Aide Registry, and Renewal);

    (B) has successfully completed at least 100 hours of training at a NATCEP in another state within the preceding 24 months but has not taken the competency evaluation or been placed on an NAR in another state;

    (C) has successfully completed at least 100 hours of military training, equivalent to civilian nurse aide training, on or after July 1, 1989;

    (D) has successfully completed an RN or LVN program at an accredited school of nursing in the United States within the preceding 24 months;

      (i) is not licensed as an RN or LVN in the state of Texas; and

      (ii) has not held a license as an RN or LVN in another state that has been revoked; or

    (E) is enrolled or has been enrolled within the preceding 24 months in an accredited school of nursing in the United States and demonstrates competency in providing basic nursing skills in accordance with the school's curriculum;

  (2) is not listed as unemployable on the EMR;

  (3) has not been convicted of a criminal offense listed in THSC §250.006(a) and (c), or convicted of a criminal offense listed in THSC §250.006(b) within the preceding five years;

  (4) submits documentation to verify at least one of the requirements in paragraph (1) of this subsection;

  (5) arranges for a nursing facility or NATCEP to serve as a competency evaluation site; and

  (6) before taking the competency evaluation, presents to the skills examiner an original letter from HHSC authorizing the person to take the competency evaluation.

Source Note: The provisions of this §556.12 adopted to be effective September 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 7342

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