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RULE §557.129Alternate Licensing Requirements for Military Service

(a) Fee waiver based on military experience.

  (1) HHSC waives the combined permit application and examination fee described in §557.109(c)(1)(A) of this chapter (relating to Application Procedures) and the permit application fee described in §557.125(g)(1) of this chapter (relating to Requirements for Corrections Medication Aides) for an applicant if HHSC receives and approves a request for a waiver of fees through the online portal from the applicant in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request a waiver of fees under this subsection, an applicant must submit a written request for a waiver with the applicant's application for a permit submitted to HHSC through the online portal in accordance with this section. The applicant must include with the request:

    (A) documentation of the applicant's status as a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse that is acceptable to HHSC;

    (B) documentation of the type and dates of the service, training, and education the applicant received and an explanation as to why the applicant's military service, training, and education substantially meets all of the requirements for a permit under this chapter; and

    (C) for status as a military spouse:

      (i) a copy of a marriage certificate issued to the applicant by a state of the United States or a foreign government; and

      (ii) a copy of a current military service order issued to the applicant's spouse by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (3) Documentation of military status that is acceptable to HHSC includes:

    (A) for status as a military service member, a copy of a current military service order issued to the applicant by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state; and

    (B) for status as a military veteran, a copy of a military service discharge order issued to the applicant by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (4) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the applicant must submit the requested documentation.

  (5) HHSC approves a request for a waiver of fees submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that the applicant is a military service member or a military veteran and the applicant's military service, training, and education substantially meet all of the requirements for licensure under this chapter.

(b) Fee waiver based on reciprocity.

  (1) HHSC waives the combined permit application and examination fee described in §557.109(c)(1)(A) of this chapter and the permit application fee described in §557.125(g)(1) of this chapter for an applicant if HHSC receives and approves a request through the online portal for a waiver of fees from the applicant in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request a waiver of the fee under this subsection, an applicant must include a written request for a waiver of the fee with the applicant's application that is submitted to HHSC through the online portal in accordance with §557.107(f) (relating to Training Requirements; Nursing Graduates; Reciprocity) of this chapter. The applicant must include with the request documentation of the applicant's status as a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse that is acceptable to HHSC.

  (3) Documentation of military status that is acceptable to HHSC includes:

    (A) for status as a military service member, a copy of a current military service order issued to the applicant by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state;

    (B) for status as a military veteran, a copy of a military service discharge order issued to the applicant by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state; and

    (C) for status as a military spouse:

      (i) a copy of a marriage certificate issued to the applicant by a state of the United States or a foreign government; and

      (ii) a copy of a current military service order issued to the applicant's spouse by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (4) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the applicant must submit the requested documentation.

  (5) HHSC approves a request for a waiver of the fee submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that:

    (A) the applicant holds a license, registration, certificate, or permit as a medication aide in good standing in another jurisdiction with licensing requirements substantially equivalent to or that exceed the requirements for a permit under this chapter; and

    (B) the applicant is a military service member, a military veteran, or a military spouse.

(c) Additional time for permit renewal.

  (1) HHSC gives a medication aide an additional two years to complete the permit renewal requirements described in §557.115 of this chapter (relating to Permit Renewal) if HHSC receives and approves through the online portal a request for additional time to complete the permit renewal requirements from a medication aide in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request additional time to complete permit renewal requirements, a medication aide must:

    (A) submit a written request for additional time to HHSC through the online portal before the expiration date of the medication aide's permit; and

    (B) include, along with the request, documentation of the medication aide's status as a military service member that is acceptable to HHSC, which includes a copy of a current military service order issued to the medication aide by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (3) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the medication aide must submit the requested documentation.

  (4) HHSC approves a request for two additional years to complete permit renewal requirements submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that the medication aide is a military service member, except HHSC does not approve a request if HHSC granted the medication aide a previous extension and the medication aide has not completed the permit renewal requirements during the two-year extension period.

  (5) If a medication aide does not submit the written request described by paragraph (2) of this subsection before the expiration date of the medication aide's permit, HHSC will consider a request after the expiration date of the permit if the medication aide establishes to the satisfaction of HHSC that the request was not submitted before the expiration date of the medication aide's permit because the medication aide was serving as a military service member at the time the request was due.

(d) Renewal of expired permit.

  (1) HHSC renews an expired permit if HHSC receives and approves a request for renewal from a former medication aide through the online portal in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request renewal of an expired permit, a former medication aide must submit a written request with a permit renewal application through the online portal within five years after the former medication aide's permit expired. The former medication aide must include with the request documentation of the former medication aide's status as a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse that is acceptable to HHSC.

  (3) Documentation of military status that is acceptable to HHSC includes:

    (A) for status as a military service member, a copy of a current military service order issued to the former medication aide by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state;

    (B) for status as a military veteran, a copy of a military service discharge order issued to the former medication aide by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state; and

    (C) for status as a military spouse:

      (i) a copy of a marriage certificate issued to the former medication aide by a state of the United States or a foreign government; and

      (ii) a copy of a current military service order issued to the former medication aide's spouse by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (4) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the former medication aide must submit the requested documentation.

  (5) HHSC approves a request for renewal of an expired permit submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that:

    (A) the former medication aide is a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse;


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