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RULE §556.14Alternate Licensing Requirements for Military Service Personnel

(a) Additional time for in-service education.

  (1) HHSC gives a nurse aide an additional two years to complete in-service education required for a nurse aide to maintain his or her certificate of registration and an active listing on the Nurse Aide Registry (NAR), as described in §556.9(f) of this chapter (relating to Certificate of Registration, Nurse Aide Registry, and Renewal), if HHSC receives and approves a request through the online portal for additional time to complete in-service training from a nurse aide in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request additional time to complete in-service education, a nurse aide must submit a written request for additional time to HHSC through the online portal before the expiration date of the nurse aide's certification. The nurse aide must include with the request documentation of the nurse aide's status as a military service member that is acceptable to HHSC. Documentation as a military service member that is acceptable to HHSC includes a copy of a military service order issued by the United States Armed Forces, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (3) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the nurse aide must submit the requested documentation.

  (4) HHSC approves a request for two additional years to complete in-service education submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that the nurse aide is a military service member, except HHSC does not approve a request if HHSC granted the nurse aide a previous extension and the nurse aide did not complete the in-service education requirements during the previous extension period.

(b) Renewal of expired certificate of registration and NAR listing.

  (1) HHSC renews the certificate of registration and changes the status of a listing from expired to active if HHSC receives and approves a request through the online portal for renewal and an active status listing from a former nurse aide in accordance with this subsection.

  (2) To request renewal and an active status listing, a former nurse aide must submit a written request with the documents required for renewal through the online portal in accordance with §556.9(f) of this chapter within five years after the former nurse aide's certificate of registration and listing expired. The former nurse aide must include with the request documentation of the former nurse aide's status as a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse that is acceptable to HHSC.

  (3) Documentation of military status that is acceptable to HHSC includes:

    (A) for status as a military service member, a copy of a current military service order issued to the former nurse aide by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state;

    (B) for status as a military veteran, a copy of a military service discharge order issued to the former nurse aide by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state; and

    (C) for status as a military spouse:

      (i) a copy of a marriage certificate issued to the former nurse aide by a state of the United States or a foreign government; and

      (ii) a copy of a current military service order issued to the former nurse aide's spouse by the armed forces of the United States, the State of Texas, or another state.

  (4) If HHSC requests additional documentation, the former nurse aide must submit the requested documentation.

  (5) HHSC approves a request for an active status listing submitted in accordance with this subsection if HHSC determines that:

    (A) the former nurse aide meets the requirements for renewal described in §556.9(f) of this chapter;

    (B) the former nurse aide is a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse;

    (C) the former nurse aide has not committed an offense listed in Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) §250.006(a) and (c) and has not committed an offense listed in THSC §250.006(b) during the five years before the date the former nurse aide submitted the initial license application; and

    (D) the former nurse aide is not listed on the EMR.

(c) HHSC replaces a lost, damaged, or destroyed certificate for a military spouse. A military spouse with an active nurse aide certificate can print a duplicate license through the online portal. A military spouse can request a change of name through the online portal by submitting a name change application.

Source Note: The provisions of this §556.14 adopted to be effective September 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 7342

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