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RULE §559.64Emergency Preparedness and Response
Repealed Date:07/10/2024

    (E) includes procedures that will ensure:

      (i) safe transport of records, food, water, equipment, and supplies needed during an evacuation; and

      (ii) that the records, food, water, equipment, and supplies, described in clause (i) of this subparagraph, arrive at the receiving facility at the same time as the clients.

  (7) Health and Medical Needs. A facility's plan must contain a section for client health and special needs that:

    (A) identifies all of the facility's special needs clients including clients with conditions requiring assistance during an evacuation; and

    (B) ensures the needs of those clients are met during an emergency.

  (8) Resource Management. A facility's plan must contain a section for resource management that:

    (A) includes procedures for accessing medications, records, food, water, equipment and supplies needed during an emergency;

    (B) identifies facility staff who are assigned to locate and ensure the transportation of items described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph during an emergency situation; and

    (C) includes procedures to ensure medications are secure and stored at the proper temperatures during an emergency situation.

(e) Training. A facility must:

  (1) train all staff on their responsibilities under the plan when hired in accordance with §559.62(e) of this subchapter (relating to Program Requirements);

  (2) retrain staff at least annually on the staff member's responsibilities under the plan and when the staff member's responsibilities under the plan change; and

  (3) conduct unannounced drills with facility staff for severe weather and other emergency situations identified by the facility as likely to occur, based on the results of the risk assessment required by subsection (c)(1) of this section.

(f) Fire Safety Plan. A facility's fire safety plan must:

  (1) include the provisions described in the Operating Features section of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition, Chapter 16 (for new day-care occupancies) and Chapter 17 (for existing day-care occupancies) concerning:

    (A) use of alarms;

    (B) transmission of alarm to fire department;

    (C) response to alarms;

    (D) isolation of fire;

    (E) evacuation of immediate area;

    (F) evacuation of smoke compartment;

    (G) preparation of floors and building for evacuation; and

    (H) fire extinguishment;

  (2) include procedures to contact HHSC by telephone, at 1-800-458-9858, within 24-hours after a fire in accordance with §559.42 of this chapter (relating to Safety); and

  (3) include procedures to submit to HHSC, within 15 days after the fire, the form entitled "Fire Report for Long Term Care Facilities";

  (4) include in the fire safety plan the provisions described in the Operating Features section of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, 2000 Edition, Chapter 16 (for new day-care occupancies) and Chapter 17 (for existing day-care occupancies) concerning drills and inspections, except as superseded by this section; and

  (5) establish procedures to:

    (A) perform a monthly fire drill with all occupants of the building at expected and unexpected times and under varying conditions;

    (B) relocate, during the monthly fire drill, all occupants of the building to a predetermined location where participants must remain until a recall or dismissal signal is given;

    (C) complete the HHSC Fire Drill Report Form for each required fire drill;

    (D) conduct a monthly fire prevention inspection performed by a trained and senior member of the facility and prepare a report of the inspection results;

    (E) maintain copies of the fire prevention inspection report, described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, that were prepared by the facility within the last 12 months; and

    (F) post a copy of the most recent fire prevention inspection report, described in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph, in a conspicuous place in the facility.

(g) Emergency Response System.

  (1) The facility director and designee must enroll in an emergency communication system in accordance with instructions from HHSC.

  (2) The facility must respond to requests for information received through the emergency communication system in the format established by HHSC.

Source Note: The provisions of this §559.64 adopted to be effective August 1, 2011, 36 TexReg 4677; transferred effective January 15, 2021, as published in the Texas Register December 18, 2020, 45 TexReg 9249; amended to be effective January 24, 2023, 48 TexReg 218

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