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RULE §559.3Definitions

      (ii) occupational therapy; and

      (iii) speech therapy.

  (36) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

  (37) Human service program--An intentional, organized, ongoing effort designed to provide good to others. The characteristics of a human service program are:

    (A) dependent on public resources and are planned and provided by the community;

    (B) directed toward meeting human needs arising from day-to-day socialization, health care, and developmental experiences; and

    (C) used to aid, rehabilitate, or treat people in difficulty or need.

  (38) Human services--Include:

    (A) personal social services, including:

      (i) DAHS;

      (ii) counseling;

      (iii) in-home care; and

      (iv) protective services;

    (B) health services, including:

      (i) home health;

      (ii) family planning;

      (iii) preventive health programs;

      (iv) nursing facility; and

      (v) hospice;

    (C) education services, meaning:

      (i) all levels of school;

      (ii) Head Start; and

      (iii) vocational programs;

    (D) housing and urban environment services, including public housing;

    (E) income transfer services, including:

      (i) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; and

      (ii) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; and

    (F) justice and public safety services, including:

      (i) parole and probation; and

      (ii) rehabilitation.

  (39) Immediate threat to the health or safety of an elderly person or a person with a disability--A situation that causes, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, or impairment to, or the death of, an elderly person or a person with a disability receiving services at a facility.

  (40) Indirect ownership interest--Any ownership or membership interest in a person who has a direct ownership interest in an applicant or license holder.

  (41) Individual--A person who applies for or is receiving services at a facility.

  (42) Isolated--When a very limited number of elderly persons, or persons with disabilities, receiving services at a facility are affected and a very limited number of staff are involved, or the situation has occurred only occasionally.

  (43) License holder--A person who holds a license to operate a facility.

  (44) Life Safety Code, NFPA 101--The Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures, NFPA 101, a publication of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc. that:

    (A) addresses the construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life from fire, including smoke, fumes, or panic; and

    (B) establishes minimum criteria for the design of egress features to permit prompt escape of occupants from buildings or, where desirable, into safe areas within the building.

  (45) Long-term care facility--A facility that provides care and treatment or personal care services to four or more unrelated persons, including:

    (A) a nursing facility licensed under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 242;

    (B) an assisted living facility licensed under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; and

    (C) an intermediate care facility serving individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions licensed under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 252.

  (46) LVN--Licensed vocational nurse. A person licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing who works under the supervision of an RN or a physician.

  (47) Management services--Services provided under contract between the owner of a facility and a person to provide for operation of a facility, including administration, staffing, maintenance, and delivery of services. Management services do not include contracts solely for maintenance, laundry, or food services.

  (48) Manager--A person who has a contractual relationship to provide management services to a facility.

  (49) Medically related program--A program providing the services listed in paragraph (37)(B) of this section.

  (50) Neglect--Failure to provide for oneself goods or services, including medical services, that are necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish, or mental illness; or failure of a caregiver to provide these goods or services.

  (51) NFPA--The National Fire Protection Association. The NFPA is an organization that develops codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides through a consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute.

  (52) NFPA 10--Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. A standard developed by the NFPA for selection, installation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable fire extinguishing equipment.

  (53) NFPA 13--Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. A standard developed by the NFPA for the minimum requirements for design and installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems, including the character and adequacy of water supplies and selection of sprinklers, fittings, pipes, valves, and all maintenance and accessories.

  (54) NFPA 70--National Electrical Code. A code developed by the NFPA for installation of electric conductors and equipment.

  (55) NFPA 72--National Fire Alarm Code. A code developed by the NFPA for application, installation, performance, and maintenance of fire alarm systems and their components.

  (56) NFPA 90A--Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. A standard developed by the NFPA for systems for the movement of environmental air in structures that serve spaces over 25,000 cubic feet or buildings of certain heights and construction types, or both.

  (57) NFPA 90B--Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems. A standard developed by the NFPA for systems for movement of environmental air in one- or two-family dwellings and structures that serve spaces not exceeding 25,000 cubic feet.

  (58) NFPA 96--Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. A standard developed by the NFPA that provides the minimum fire safety requirements related to design, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of all public and private cooking operations, except for single-family residential usage.

  (59) Nurse--An RN or LVN licensed in the state of Texas.

  (60) Nursing services--Services provided by a nurse, including:

    (A) observation;

    (B) promoting and maintaining health;

    (C) preventing illness and disability;

    (D) managing health care during acute and chronic phases of illness;

    (E) guiding and counseling individuals and families; and

    (F) referral to physicians, other health care providers, and community resources when appropriate.

  (61) Online portal--A secure portal provided on the HHSC website for licensure activities, including for a DAHS facility applicant to submit licensure applications and information.

  (62) Pattern of violation--Repeated, but not widespread in scope, failures of a facility to comply with Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 103, or a rule, standard, or order adopted under Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 103 that:

    (A) result in a violation; and

    (B) are found throughout the services provided by the facility or that affect or involve the same elderly persons or persons with disabilities receiving services at the facility or the same facility employees.

  (63) Person--An individual, corporation, or association.

  (64) Person with a disability--A person whose functioning is sufficiently impaired to require frequent medical attention, counseling, physical therapy, therapeutic or corrective equipment, or another person's attendance and supervision.

  (65) Plan of care--A written plan, based on a health assessment and developed jointly by a facility and an individual or the individual's responsible party, that documents the functional impairment of the individual and the DAHS needed by the individual.

  (66) Potential for minimal harm--A violation that has the potential for causing no more than a minor negative impact to an individual.

  (67) Protective setting--A setting in which an individual's safety is ensured by the physical environment by staff.


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