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RULE §559.3Definitions

  (68) Related support services--Services to an individual, family member, or caregiver that may improve the person's ability to assist with an individual's independence and functioning. Services include:

    (A) information and referral;

    (B) transportation;

    (C) teaching caregiver skills;

    (D) respite;

    (E) counseling;

    (F) instruction and training; and

    (G) support groups.

  (69) Responsible party--A person designated by an individual as the individual's representative.

  (70) RN--Registered nurse. A person licensed by the Texas Board of Nursing to practice professional nursing.

  (71) Safety--Protection from injury or loss of life due to conditions such as fire, electrical hazard, unsafe building or site conditions, and presence of hazardous materials.

  (72) Sanitation--Protection from illness, transmission of disease, or loss of life due to unclean surroundings, the presence of disease transmitting insects or rodents, unhealthful conditions or practices in preparation of food and beverage, or care of personal belongings.

  (73) Semi-ambulatory--Mobility relying on a walker, crutch, cane, or other physical object, or independent use of wheelchair.

  (74) Serious injury--An injury requiring emergency medical intervention or treatment by medical personnel, either at a facility or at an emergency room or medical office.

  (75) Social activities--Therapeutic, educational, cultural enrichment, recreational, and other activities in a facility or in the community provided as part of a planned program to meet the social needs and interests of an individual.

  (76) TAC--Texas Administrative Code.

  (77) UL--Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. A corporation whose approval of a product indicates a level of testing and certification that is acceptable to HHSC.

  (78) Widespread in scope--A violation of Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 103, or a rule, standard, or order adopted under Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 103, that:

    (A) is pervasive throughout the services provided by the facility; or

    (B) represents a systematic failure by the facility that affects or has the potential to affect a large portion or all the elderly persons or persons with disabilities receiving services at the facility.

  (79) Willfully interfere--To act or not act to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or impede.

  (80) Working with people--Acts involving delivery of services to individuals either directly or indirectly. Experience as a manager would meet this definition; however, experience in an administrative support position such as a bookkeeper does not. Experience does not have to be in a paid capacity.

Source Note: The provisions of this §559.3 adopted to be effective July 10, 2024, 49 TexReg 4909

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