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RULE §559.82Determinations and Actions Pursuant to Inspections
Repealed Date:07/10/2024

(a) DADS determines if a facility meets the licensing rules, including both physical plant and facility operation requirements.

(b) Violations of regulations are listed on forms designed for the purpose of the inspection.

(c) At the conclusion of an inspection or survey, the violations are discussed in an exit conference with the facility's management. A written list of the violations is left with the facility at the time of the exit conference.

(d) If, after the initial exit conference, additional violations are cited, the violations are communicated to the facility within 10 working days after the initial exit conference.

(e) DADS provides a clear and concise summary in nontechnical language of each licensure inspection, inspection of care, and complaint investigation, if applicable. The summary outlines significant violations noted at the time of the inspection or survey, but does not include names of clients, staff, or any other information that would identify individual clients or other prohibited information under general rules of public disclosure. The summary is provided to the facility at the time the report of contact or similar document is provided.

(f) Upon receipt of the final statement of violations, the facility has 10 working days to submit an acceptable plan of correction to the DADS Regulatory Services regional director. An acceptable plan of correction must address the following:

  (1) how the facility will accomplish the corrective action for those clients affected by each violation;

  (2) how the facility will identify other clients with the potential to be affected by the same violation;

  (3) how the facility will put the corrective measure into practice or make systemic changes to ensure that the violation does not recur;

  (4) how the facility will monitor the corrective action to ensure that the violation is corrected and will not recur; and

  (5) the date the corrective action will be completed.

(g) If the provider and the inspector cannot resolve a dispute regarding a violation of regulations, the provider is entitled to an informal dispute resolution (IDR) at the regional level for all violations. For a violation that resulted in an adverse action, the provider is entitled to an IDR at either the regional or state office level.

  (1) A written request and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Regional Director, Regulatory Services, for a regional IDR; or to Regulatory Services, Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, P.O. Box 149030, E-351, Austin, Texas 78714-9030, for a central office IDR, no later than the tenth day after receipt of the official statement of violations.

  (2) DADS completes the IDR process no later than the 30th day after receipt of a request from a facility.

  (3) Violations deemed invalid in an IDR will be so noted in DADS' records.

Source Note: The provisions of this §559.82 adopted to be effective August 31, 1993, 18 TexReg 2726; transferred effective September 1, 1993, as published in the Texas Register September 3, 1993, 18 TexReg 5885; amended to be effective January 1, 1995, 19 TexReg 9531; amended to be effective May 1, 1999, 24 TexReg 3100; amended to be effective November 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 10753; amended to be effective April 1, 2007, 32 TexReg 1749; amended to be effective January 15, 2009, 34 TexReg 261; transferred effective January 15, 2021, as published in the Texas Register December 18, 2020, 45 TexReg9249

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