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RULE §559.16Change of Ownership and Notice of Changes
Repealed Date:07/10/2024

(a) For purposes of this section, a temporary change of ownership license is a temporary license issued to an applicant who proposes to become the new operator of a facility that exists on the date the application is submitted.

(b) A license holder may not transfer its license. The applicant (new license holder) must obtain a temporary change of ownership license followed by an initial three-year license in accordance with this section. When the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) approves the change of ownership by issuing a temporary change of ownership license to the new license holder, the current license holder's license becomes invalid as of the effective date of the change of ownership indicated in the change of ownership application. Between the effective date of the change of ownership and the issuance of the temporary change of ownership license, the existing license holder remains responsible under its license; however, the applicant may operate a facility on behalf of the current license holder during such period of time.

(c) The applicant must submit to HHSC through the online portal:

  (1) a complete application for a license in accordance with HHSC instructions and §559.11 of this subchapter (relating to Criteria for Licensing) or an incomplete application with a letter explaining the circumstances that prevented the inclusion of the missing information;

  (2) the application fee, in accordance with §559.21 of this subchapter (relating to License Fees); and

  (3) a signed and notarized Change of Ownership Transfer Affidavit HHSC Form 1092 from the applicant and the facility's current license holder of intent to transfer operation of the facility from the current license holder to the applicant, beginning on the change of ownership effective date specified on the change of ownership application.

(d) To avoid a facility operating without a license, an applicant must submit all items required by subsection (c) of this section at least 30 days before the anticipated date of a change of ownership, unless the 30-day notice requirement is waived in accordance with subsection (e) of this section.

(e) HHSC may waive the 30-day notice required in subsection (d) of this section if HHSC determines that the applicant presents evidence showing that circumstances prevented the submission of the items in subsection (c) of this section at least 30 days before the anticipated change of ownership and that not waiving the 30-day requirement would create a threat to client health and safety.

(f) Upon HHSC approval of the items specified in subsection (c) of this section, HHSC issues a temporary change of ownership license to the applicant if HHSC finds that the applicant, all controlling persons, and all persons disclosed in the application satisfy all applicable requirements in §559.11 of this subchapter, §559.13 of this subchapter (relating to Applicant Disclosure Requirements), and §559.19 of this subchapter (relating to Criteria for Denying a License or Renewal of a License).

  (1) The issuance of a temporary change of ownership license constitutes HHSC's official written notice to the facility of the approval of the application for a change of ownership.

  (2) The effective date of the temporary change of ownership license is the date requested in the application and cannot precede the date the application is received by HHSC through the online portal.

(g) A temporary change of ownership license expires on the earlier of:

  (1) 90 days after its effective date or the last day of any extension HHSC provides in accordance with subsection (h) of this section; or

  (2) the date HHSC issues a three-year license in accordance with subsection (k) of this section.

(h) HHSC, in its sole discretion, may extend a temporary change of ownership license for a term of 90 days at a time based upon extenuating circumstances.

(i) HHSC conducts an on-site health inspection to verify compliance with the licensure requirements after issuing a temporary change of ownership license. HHSC may conduct a desk review instead of an on-site health inspection after issuing a temporary change of ownership license if:

  (1) less than 50 percent of the direct or indirect ownership interest of the former license holder changed, when compared to the new license holder; or

  (2) every person with a disclosable interest in the new license holder had a disclosable interest in the former license holder.

(j) HHSC, in its sole discretion, may conduct an on-site Life Safety Code inspection after issuing a temporary change of ownership license.

(k) If the applicant, all controlling persons, and all persons disclosed in the application satisfy all applicable requirements of §559.11, §559.13, and §559.19 of this subchapter for a license, and the facility passes the change of ownership health inspection as described in subsection (i) of this section, HHSC issues a three-year license. The effective date of the three-year license is the same date as the effective date of the change of ownership and cannot precede the date the application was received by HHSC through the online portal.

(l) If a license holder adds an owner with a disclosable interest, but the license holder does not undergo a change of ownership, the license holder must notify HHSC of the addition no later than 30 days after the addition of the owner.

(m) If a license holder changes its name but does not undergo a change of ownership, the license holder must notify HHSC and submit documentation evidencing a legal name change by submitting an application through the online portal. On receipt of the notice and documentation, HHSC reissues the current license in the license holder's new name.

Source Note: The provisions of this §559.16 adopted to be effective January 1, 1995, 19 TexReg 9531; amended to be effective May 1, 1999, 24 TexReg 3100; amended to be effective April 1, 2007, 32 TexReg 1749; amended to be effective October 11, 2017, 42 TexReg 5520; transferred effective January 15, 2021, as published in the Texas Register December 18, 2020, 45 TexReg 9249; amended to be effective October 11, 2022, 47 TexReg 6590

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