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RULE §7.2Definitions

  (34) Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA)--An agreement, regardless of its title, between the Department and a property owner, including an emergency shelter, which is a binding covenant upon the property owner and successors in interest, that, when recorded, encumbers the property with respect to the requirements of the programs for which it receives funds.

  (35) Match--A contribution to the ESG Program from a non-ESG source governed by 24 CFR §576.201.

  (36) Monthly Expenditure Report--Information on Expenditures from Subrecipient to the Department.

  (37) Monthly Performance Report--Information on Program Participants and program activities from Subrecipient to the Department.

  (38) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)--Notice of Funding Availability or announcement of funding published by the Department notifying the public of available funds for a Program with certain requirements.

  (39) Outcome--A benefit or change achieved by a Program Participant served by the Department's Homeless Programs.

  (40) Performance Target--Number of persons/Households to be served, outcomes to be reached, or construction/rehabilitation/conversion to be performed that the Subrecipient commits to accomplish during the Contract Term.

  (41) Private Nonprofit Organization--An organization described in §501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") of 1986 and which is exempt from taxation under subtitle A of the Code, has an accounting system and a voluntary board, and practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance. This does not include a governmental organization such as a public housing authority or a housing finance agency.

  (42) Program Participant--An individual or Household that is assisted by a Homeless Program.

  (43) Program Year--Contracts with funds from a specific federal allocation (ESG and ESG CARES) or year of a state biennium (HHSP).

  (44) Project--A group of eligible activities identified in an Application or Contract to the Department, and designated in HMIS or HMIS-comparable database.

  (45) Recertification--Required review of a Program Participant's eligibility determination for continuation of assistance.

  (46) Service Area--The city(ies), county(ies) and/or place(s) identified in the Application (as applicable), and Contract that the Subrecipient will serve.

  (47) State--The State of Texas or the Department, as indicated by context.

  (48) Subcontract--A contract made between the Subrecipient and a purveyor of goods or services through a procurement relationship.

  (49) Subcontractor--A person or an organization with whom the Subrecipient contracts to provide services.

  (50) Subgrant--An award of financial assistance in the form of money made under a grant by a Subrecipient to an eligible Subgrantee. The term includes financial assistance when provided by contractual legal agreement, but does not include procurement purchases.

  (51) Subgrantee--The legal entity to which a Subgrant is awarded and which is accountable to the Subrecipient for the use of the funds provided.

  (52) Subrecipient--An organization that receives federal or states funds passed through the Department to operate ESG and/or state funded Homeless Programs.

  (53) Texas Administrative Code (TAC)--A compilation of all state agency rules in Texas.

  (54) Unit of General Purpose Local Government--A unit of government which has, among other responsibilities, the authority to assess and collect local taxes and to provide general governmental services.

  (55) United States Code (U.S.C.)--A consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

  (56) United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)--Federal department that provides funding for ESG.

  (57) Youth Headed Household--Household that includes unaccompanied youth 24 years of age and younger, parenting youth 24 years of age and younger and children of parenting youth 24 years of age and younger.

Source Note: The provisions of this §7.2 adopted to be effective February 27, 2024, 49 TexReg 1048

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