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RULE §601.2Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure of Specific Risks and Hazards--List A

    (E) Migration (movement) of the stent from its original position.

    (F) Airway blockage, potentially life threatening.

    (G) Stent blockage.

    (H) Worsening of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (worsening of emphysema).

    (I) Respiratory failure (need for breathing tube placement with ventilator support).

    (J) Bronchospasm (constriction of the airways leading to trouble breathing).

    (K) Hemoptysis (coughing up blood which can result in trouble breathing and the need to be placed on a ventilator or breathing machine and oxygen).

    (L) Recurrent infections.

  (12) Endobronchial balloon dilatation with or without stent placement (placement of tube to keep airway open).

    (A) Bronchial rupture (tearing of the airway) with need for additional surgery.

    (B) Pneumothorax (collapsed lung) with need for insertion of chest tube.

    (C) Pneumomediastinum (air enters the space around the airways including the space around the heart).

    (D) Injury to vocal cords, laryngospasm (irritation/spasm of the vocal cords) or laryngeal edema (swelling of the vocal cords).

    (E) Migration (movement) of the stent from its original position.

    (F) Airway blockage, potentially life threatening.

    (G) Stent blockage.

    (H) Stent fracture (broken stent).

    (I) Recurrent infections.

    (J) Stent erosion into adjacent structures (stent wears a hole through the airway and injures nearby tissues).

    (K) Hemoptysis (coughing up blood which can result in respiratory distress and the need to be placed on a ventilator or breathing machine and oxygen).

  (13) Mediastinoscopy (insertion of a camera into the space behind the breastbone and between the lungs) with or without biopsy (removal of tissue).

    (A) Hemorrhage (severe bleeding) requiring open surgery.

    (B) Nerve injury causing vocal cord paralysis or poor function.

    (C) Pneumothorax (collapsed lung).

    (D) Tracheal injury (damage to the airway/windpipe).

  (14) Pleurodesis (procedure to prevent fluid build-up in space between the lung and chest wall).

    (A) Respiratory failure (need for breathing tube placement).

    (B) Empyema (infection/pus in the space around the lung).

(p) Urinary system.

  (1) Partial nephrectomy (removal of part of the kidney).

    (A) Incomplete removal of stone(s) or tumor, if present.

    (B) Blockage of urine.

    (C) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (D) Injury to or loss of the kidney.

    (E) Damage to organs next to kidney.

  (2) Radical nephrectomy (removal of kidney and adrenal gland for cancer).

    (A) Loss of the adrenal gland (gland on top of kidney that makes certain hormones/chemicals the body needs).

    (B) Incomplete removal of tumor.

    (C) Damage to organs next to kidney.

  (3) Nephrectomy (removal of kidney).

    (A) Incomplete removal of tumor if present.

    (B) Damage to organs next to kidney.

    (C) Injury to or loss of the kidney.

  (4) Nephrolithotomy and pyelolithotomy (removal of kidney stone(s)).

    (A) Incomplete removal of stone(s).

    (B) Blockage of urine.

    (C) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (D) Injury or loss of the kidney.

    (E) Damage to organs next to kidney.

  (5) Pyeloureteroplasty (pyeloplasty or reconstruction of the kidney drainage system).

    (A) Blockage of urine.

    (B) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (C) Injury to or loss of the kidney.

    (D) Damage to organs next to kidney.

  (6) Exploration of kidney or perinephric mass.

    (A) Incomplete removal of stone(s) or tumor, if present.

    (B) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (C) Injury to or loss of the kidney.

    (D) Damage to organs next to kidney.

  (7) Ureteroplasty (reconstruction of ureter (tube between kidney and bladder)).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Incomplete removal of the stone or tumor (when applicable).

    (C) Blockage of urine.

    (D) Damage to organs next to ureter.

    (E) Damage to or loss of the ureter.

  (8) Ureterolithotomy (surgical removal of stone(s) from ureter (tube between kidney and bladder)).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Incomplete removal of stone.

    (C) Blockage of urine.

    (D) Damage to organs next to ureter.

    (E) Damage to or loss of ureter.

  (9) Ureterectomy (partial/complete removal of ureter (tube between kidney and bladder)).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Incomplete removal of stone.

    (C) Blockage of urine.

    (D) Damage to organs next to ureter.

  (10) Ureterolysis (partial/complete removal of ureter (tube between kidney and bladder from adjacent tissue)).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Blockage of urine.

    (C) Damage to organs next to ureter.

    (D) Damage to or loss of ureter.

  (11) Ureteral reimplantation (reinserting ureter (tube between kidney and bladder) into the bladder).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Blockage of urine.

    (C) Damage to or loss of ureter.

    (D) Backward flow of urine from bladder into ureter.

    (E) Damage to organs next to ureter.

  (12) Prostatectomy (partial or total removal of prostate).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Blockage of urine.

    (C) Incontinence (difficulty with control of urine flow).

    (D) Semen passing backward into bladder.

    (E) Difficulty with penile erection (possible with partial and probable with total prostatectomy).

  (13) Total cystectomy (removal of bladder).

    (A) Probable loss of penile erection and ejaculation in the male.

    (B) Damage to organs next to bladder.

    (C) This procedure will require an alternate method of urinary drainage.

  (14) Radical cystectomy.

    (A) Probable loss of penile erection and ejaculation in the male.

    (B) Damage to organs next to bladder.

    (C) This procedure will require an alternate method of urinary drainage.

    (D) Chronic (continuing) swelling of thighs, legs and feet.

    (E) Recurrence or spread of cancer if present.

  (15) Partial cystectomy (partial removal of bladder).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (B) Incontinence (difficulty with control of urine flow).

    (C) Backward flow of urine from bladder into ureter (tube between kidney and bladder).

    (D) Blockage of urine.

    (E) Damage to organs next to bladder.

  (16) Urinary diversion (ileal conduit, colon conduit).

    (A) Blood chemistry abnormalities requiring medication.

    (B) Development of stones, strictures or infection in the kidneys, ureter or bowel (intestine).

    (C) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (D) This procedure will require an alternate method of urinary drainage.

  (17) Ureterosigmoidostomy (placement of kidney drainage tubes into the large bowel (intestine)).

    (A) Blood chemistry abnormalities requiring medication.

    (B) Development of stones, strictures or infection in the kidneys, ureter or bowel (intestine).

    (C) Leakage of urine at surgical site.

    (D) Difficulty in holding urine in the rectum.

  (18) Urethroplasty (construction/reconstruction of drainage tube from bladder).

    (A) Leakage of urine at surgical site.


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