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RULE §601.2Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure of Specific Risks and Hazards--List A

    (B) Stricture formation (narrowing of urethra (tube from bladder to outside)).

    (C) Need for additional surgery.

  (19) Percutaneous nephrostomy/stenting/stone removal.

    (A) Pneumothorax or other pleural complications (collapsed lung or filling of the chest cavity on the same side with fluid).

    (B) Septic shock/bacteremia (infection of the blood stream with possible shock/severe lowering of blood pressure) when pyonephrosis (infected urine in the kidney) present.

    (C) Bowel (intestinal) injury.

    (D) Blood vessel injury with or without significant bleeding.

  (20) Dialysis (technique to replace functions of kidney and clean blood of toxins).

    (A) Hemodialysis.

      (i) Hypotension (low blood pressure).

      (ii) Hypertension (high blood pressure).

      (iii) Air embolism (air bubble in blood vessel) resulting in possible death or paralysis.

      (iv) Cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms).

      (v) Infections of blood stream, access site, or blood borne (for example: Hepatitis B, C, or HIV).

      (vi) Hemorrhage (severe bleeding as a result of clotting problems or due to disconnection of the bloodline).

      (vii) Nausea, vomiting, cramps, headaches, and mild confusion during and/or temporarily after dialysis.

      (viii) Allergic reactions.

      (ix) Chemical imbalances and metabolic disorders (unintended change in blood minerals).

      (x) Pyrogenic reactions (fever).

      (xi) Hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells).

      (xii) Graft/fistula damage including bleeding, aneurysm, formation (ballooning of vessel), clotting (closure) of graft/fistula.

    (B) Peritoneal dialysis.

      (i) Infections, including peritonitis (inflammation or irritation of the tissue lining the inside wall of abdomen and covering organs), catheter infection and catheter exit site infection.

      (ii) Development of hernias of umbilicus (weakening of abdominal wall or muscle).

      (iii) Hypertension (high blood pressure).

      (iv) Hypotension (low blood pressure).

      (v) Hydrothorax (fluid in chest cavity).

      (vi) Arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm).

      (vii) Perforation of the bowel.

      (viii) Sclerosis or scarring of the peritoneum.

      (ix) Weight gain leading to obesity.

      (x) Abdominal discomfort/distension.

      (xi) Heartburn or reflux.

      (xii) Increase in need for anti-diabetic medication.

      (xiii) Muscle weakness.

      (xiv) Dehydration (extreme loss of body fluid).

      (xv) Chemical imbalances and metabolic disorders (unintended change in blood minerals).

      (xvi) Allergic reactions.

      (xvii) Nausea, vomiting, cramps, headaches, and mild confusion during and/or temporarily after dialysis.

(q) Psychiatric procedures.

  (1) Electroconvulsive therapy with modification by intravenous muscle relaxants and sedatives.

    (A) Memory changes of events prior to, during, and immediately following the treatment.

    (B) Fractures or dislocations of bones.

    (C) Significant temporary confusion requiring special care.

  (2) Other Procedures. No other procedures are assigned at this time.

(r) Radiation therapy. A child is defined for the purpose of this subsection as an individual who is not physiologically mature as determined by the physician using the appropriate medical parameters.

  (1) Head and neck.

    (A) Early reactions.

      (i) Reduced and sticky saliva, loss of taste and appetite, altered sense of smell, nausea.

      (ii) Sore throat, difficulty swallowing, weight loss, fatigue.

      (iii) Skin changes: redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering or ulceration, color change, thickening, hair loss.

      (iv) Hoarseness, cough, loss of voice, and swelling of airway.

      (v) Blockage and crusting of nasal passages.

      (vi) Inflammation of ear canal, feeling of "stopped up" ear, hearing loss, dizziness.

      (vii) Dry and irritable eye(s).

      (viii) In children, these reactions are likely to be intensified by chemotherapy before, during or after radiation therapy.

      (ix) In children, depression of blood count leading to increased risk of infection and/or bleeding is more common.

    (B) Late reactions.

      (i) Dry mouth and altered sense, or loss, of taste.

      (ii) Tooth decay and gum changes.

      (iii) Bone damage, especially in jaws.

      (iv) Stiffness and limitation of jaw movement.

      (v) Changes in skin texture and/or coloration, permanent hair loss, and scarring of skin.

      (vi) Swelling of tissues, particularly under the chin.

      (vii) Throat damage causing hoarseness, pain or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

      (viii) Eye damage causing dry eye(s), cataract, loss of vision, or loss of eye(s).

      (ix) Ear damage causing dryness of ear canal, fluid collection in middle ear, hearing loss.

      (x) Brain, spinal cord or nerve damage causing alteration of thinking ability or memory, and/or loss of strength, feeling or coordination in any part of the body.

      (xi) Pituitary or thyroid gland damage requiring long-term hormone replacement therapy.

      (xii) In children, there may be additional late reactions.

        (I) Disturbance of bone and tissue growth.

        (II) Bone damage to face causing abnormal development.

        (III) Brain damage causing a loss of intellectual ability, learning capacity, and reduced intelligence quotient (IQ).

        (IV) Second cancers developing in the irradiated area.

  (2) Central nervous system.

    (A) Early reactions.

      (i) Skin and scalp reaction with redness, irritation, scaliness, blistering, ulceration, change in color, thickening, hair loss.

      (ii) Nausea, vomiting, headaches.

      (iii) Fatigue, drowsiness.

      (iv) Altered sense of taste or smell.

      (v) Inflammation of ear canal, feeling of "stopped-up" ear, hearing loss, dizziness.

      (vi) Depression of blood count leading to increased risk of infection and/or bleeding.

      (vii) In children, these reactions are likely to be intensified by chemotherapy before, during or after radiation therapy.

      (viii) In children, depression of blood count leading to increased risk of infection and/or bleeding is more common.

    (B) Late reactions.

      (i) Permanent hair loss of variable degrees, altered regrowth, texture and color of hair.

      (ii) Persistent drowsiness and tiredness.

      (iii) Brain damage causing a loss of some degree of thinking ability or memory, or personality changes.

      (iv) Scarring of skin.

      (v) Spinal cord or nerve damage causing loss of strength, feeling or coordination in any part of the body.

      (vi) Damage to eye(s), or optic nerve(s) causing loss of vision.

      (vii) Ear damage causing dryness of ear canal, fluid collection in middle ear, hearing loss.

      (viii) Pituitary gland damage requiring long-term hormone replacement therapy.

      (ix) In children, there may be additional late reactions.

        (I) Disturbances of bone and tissue growth.

        (II) Bone damage to spine, causing stunting of growth, curvature and/or reduction in height.

        (III) Bone damage to face, or pelvis causing stunting of bone growth and/or abnormal development.

        (IV) Brain damage causing a loss of intellectual ability, learning capacity, and reduced intelligence quotient (IQ).

        (V) Second cancers developing in the irradiated area.

  (3) Thorax.

    (A) Early reactions.

      (i) Skin changes: redness, irritation, scaliness, ulceration, change in color, thickening, hair loss.

      (ii) Inflammation of esophagus causing pain on swallowing, heartburn, or sense of obstruction.

      (iii) Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.

      (iv) Weight loss, weakness, vomiting.


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