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RULE §61.1040School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after November 1, 2021

      (iii) Certifications related to safety and security standards under subsection (k) of this section. A design professional of record shall certify compliance that the project has been designed in reasonable accordance with any required safety and security directives approved by the school district in accordance with subsection (k) of this section.

    (C) Contractor certifications.

      (i) Process certifications. To ensure construction quality and performance of contract terms, the contractor and prime subcontractors, if applicable, shall certify compliance that the project has been built in conformance with the contract documents.

      (ii) Certifications related to construction quality standards under subsection (j) of this section.

        (I) To ensure compliance with construction quality standards, the contractor and prime subcontractors, if applicable, shall certify compliance at the completion of a capital improvement project that the project has been built in conformance with the contract terms and performance standards specified by the contract documents for the general contractor and for any of its subcontractors or subconsultants of any tier, which shall include certification of compliance with any subsequent change order documents approved by the owner and the design professional of record.

        (II) Where a third-party code compliance officer is required by subsection (j) of this section, to ensure that a third-party code compliance officer does not find any violations of the provisions of the required construction codes identified in subsection (j)(1) of this section that are not enforced by a state or local authority having jurisdiction, a school district shall require that a third-party code compliance officer issue a third-party certificate of occupancy. Where a local authority having jurisdiction enforces some of the required construction codes, a third-party code compliance officer shall not issue a third-party certificate of occupancy until either the local authority having jurisdiction has issued a certificate of occupancy or the local authority having jurisdiction indicates in writing to the third-party code compliance officer that the local authority having jurisdiction does not issue certificates of occupancy.

      (iii) Certifications related to safety and security standards under subsection (k) of this section. To provide a safe and secure environment, the contractor and prime subcontractors, if applicable, shall certify compliance that the project has been built in reasonable accordance with the safety and security directives provided by the school district and reflected in the contract documents prepared by the design professional.

      (iv) Special provisions for a construction manager agent. For projects that use the construction manager agent contracting method established in TGC, Chapter 2269, Subchapter E, the construction manager agent and each construction prime contractor must provide certification in accordance with clause (i) of this subparagraph, and each shall certify the scope of work for which they are contractually responsible.

  (2) General provisions.

    (A) For projects that use the construction manager agent contracting method established in TGC, Chapter 2269, Subchapter E, the construction manager agent and each construction prime contractor must provide certification in accordance with paragraph (1)(C)(i) of this subsection, and each shall certify the scope of work for which they are contractually responsible.

    (B) The certification requirements specified for a school facility capital improvement project in this subsection shall be expressed on a form developed by the Texas Education Agency that identifies the appropriate certifications required for a capital improvement project based on the facility, project type, and method of contracting established in TGC, Chapter 2269, for the procurement of construction services approved by the school district board of trustees for the project. The form must include written certification requirements for a design professional of record, a general contractor, construction manager-at-risk, a design build firm, a construction manager agent, a prime contractor or subcontractor.

(g) Standards for space for instructional facilities.

  (1) Minimum standards for common areas.

    (A) Library.

      (i) A school district shall consider the School Library Standards and Guidelines as adopted under TEC, §33.021, when developing, implementing, or expanding library services.

      (ii) The sum total square footage of all library-related areas shall meet the following minimum square feet (SF) requirements based on maximum instructional capacity and may be contiguous or dispersed:

        (I) for 100 students or fewer, a minimum of 1,400 SF;

        (II) for 101-500 students, 1,400 SF plus an additional 4 SF for each student in excess of 100;

        (III) for 501-2,000 students, a minimum of 3,000 SF plus an additional 3 SF for each student in excess of 500; and

        (IV) for 2,001 or more students, a minimum of 7,500 SF plus an additional 2 SF for each student in excess of 2,000.

    (B) Gymnasium. Primary gymnasiums or physical education space, if required by the school district's educational program, shall have a minimum of 3,000 SF at the elementary school level, 4,800 SF at the middle school level, and 7,500 SF at the high school level.

  (2) Minimum standards for special spaces.

    (A) Combination science classroom/laboratory.

      (i) A combination science classroom/laboratory for Kindergarten-Grade 5 must provide a minimum of 50 SF per student. The room may have an established maximum of 22 students but must not exceed 25. Within the total square footage of the room, 6 SF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop space (3 feet wide x 2 feet deep) must be provided at student laboratory benches, and an additional 3 linear feet (LF) per student of horizontal laboratory countertop support space must be provided for equipment and materials for investigations, activities, or student projects.

      (ii) A combination science classroom/laboratory for Grades 6-8 must provide a minimum of 58 SF per student. The room may have an established maximum of 24 students but must not exceed 28. Within the total square footage of the room, 6 SF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop space (3 feet wide x 2 feet deep) must be provided at student laboratory benches, and an additional 3 LF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop support space must be provided for equipment and materials for investigations, activities, or student projects.

      (iii) A combination science classroom/laboratory for Grades 9-12 must provide a minimum of 58 SF per student. The room may consider a maximum of 24 students but must not exceed 28. Within the total square footage of the room, 6 SF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop space (3 feet wide x 2 feet deep) must be provided at student laboratory benches, and an additional 3 LF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop support space must be provided for equipment and materials for investigations, activities, or student projects.

    (B) Science laboratory.

      (i) The separate science laboratory and classroom configuration is not permissible at the elementary level.

      (ii) A science laboratory for Grades 6-8 must be a minimum of 42 SF per student. The room must consider a maximum of 24 students but must not exceed 28. Within the total square footage of the room, 6 SF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop space (3 feet wide x 2 feet deep) must be provided at student laboratory benches, and an additional 3 LF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop support space must be provided for equipment and materials for investigations, activities, or student projects.

      (iii) A science laboratory for Grades 9-12 shall be a minimum of 42 SF per student. The room must consider a maximum of 24 students but must not exceed 28. Within the total square footage of the room, 6 SF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop space (3 feet wide x 2 feet deep) shall be provided at student laboratory benches, and an additional 3 LF per student of horizontal laboratory countertop support space shall be provided for equipment and materials for investigations, activities, or student projects.

    (C) Science classrooms. Science classrooms shall be provided at a ratio not to exceed 2:1 of science classrooms to science laboratories at the secondary level and must meet the requirements of subsection (h)(3) of this section. The science laboratories must be located in close proximity to the science classrooms they serve.

    (D) Fume hoods.

      (i) Each of the following shall have one built-in fume hood:

        (I) at least one middle school prep room per grade level served in the school facility;

        (II) high school level chemistry or Advanced Placement (AP) chemistry combination classroom/laboratory or laboratory; and


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