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RULE §61.1040School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after November 1, 2021

        (III) prep room serving chemistry, AP chemistry, or integrated physics and chemistry (IPC) combination classroom/laboratory or laboratory.

      (ii) A double-sided fume hood may be provided to satisfy chemistry or AP chemistry fume hood requirements.

      (iii) The exhaust shall be vented to the outside, above the roof and away from air vents.

    (E) Preparation/storage rooms. One preparation/storage room at a minimum 10 SF per student shall be provided adjacent to each combination science classroom/laboratory. One preparation/storage room at a minimum of 10 SF per student shall be provided per science classroom and be located adjacent to its partner science laboratory. Preparation/storage rooms may be combined, but the combination of more than one preparation/storage room shall not reduce the minimum square feet or quantity of built-in fume hoods required if they were not combined.

    (F) Chemical storage room. If hazardous or vaporous chemicals are to be used in a science laboratory or combination science classroom/laboratory, a separate chemical storage room shall be provided. The chemical storage room shall be separate from, and shall not be combined as part of, a preparation room or an equipment storage room; however, the chemical storage room may be located so that access is through a preparation room or equipment storage room. The chemical storage room shall be secure to prevent access to chemicals by students or non-authorized adults. One chemical storage room may be shared among multiple laboratories or classrooms/laboratories. Refer to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Fire Code (IFC), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for additional requirements.

    (G) Eye/face wash. A built-in eye/face wash that can wash both eyes simultaneously shall be provided in each room serving Grades 5-12 where hazardous chemicals or eye irritants are used by instructors and/or students. The eye/face wash shall comply with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards for Shower and Eyewash Equipment (Z358.1). The tepid water required by ANSI Z358.1 is not required to come from a heated source; however, school districts that commonly experience lengthy periods of extremely cold temperatures during the winter season shall consider a tepid water system with a heated source.

    (H) Safety shower. A built-in safety shower shall be provided in each combination classroom/laboratory, laboratory, or prep room where a built-in fume hood is required or voluntarily provided. Where a safety shower is required in both the laboratory and corresponding prep room, a safety shower may be provided in only the prep room to satisfy this requirement. The safety shower shall comply with the ANSI Standards for Shower and Eyewash Equipment (Z358.1). The tepid water required by ANSI Z358.1 is not required to come from a heated source; however, school districts that commonly experience lengthy periods of extremely cold temperatures during the winter season shall consider a tepid water system with a heated source.

    (I) Exhaust fan and ventilation system. Refer to International Mechanical Code, ANSI, OSHA, and NFPA for project requirements.

    (J) Emergency shut-off controls. If electricity, gas, and/or water are provided in student areas, emergency shut-off controls shall be provided for each in a location accessible to the instructor but not easily accessible to students. It shall not be located at any doorway leading to a corridor or hallway.

    (K) Special education. Specialized classrooms shall be a minimum of 45 SF per student.

(h) Quantitative method of compliance for instructional facility space requirements. A school district board of trustees shall approve compliance with this method or the method of compliance described in subsection (i) of this section before the commencement of design development for a capital improvement project for an instructional facility.

  (1) To satisfy this method of compliance, the capital improvement project shall meet the minimum aggregate square footage based on the campus's flexibility level as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the SF per student as specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection, and the maximum instructional capacity of the campus included in the project's educational specifications. Cafeterias, gymnasiums, and library space may not be used to satisfy this method of compliance. The minimum aggregate square footage required may be comprised of the following:

    (A) mathematics, English/language arts, and history/social studies classrooms;

    (B) combination science classrooms/laboratories;

    (C) science classrooms, if the separate science classroom and laboratory layout is used;

    (D) special education classrooms;

    (E) collaboration areas; and

    (F) elective classrooms or laboratories under the following circumstances:

      (i) if the elective program necessitates a SF per student in excess of the value specified in subsection (h)(3) of this section, a maximum of total square feet for the space shall be used that is equal to the value specified in (h)(3) of this section multiplied by the maximum number of students that shall be safely served in that classroom or laboratory at a time;

      (ii) if the elective classroom or laboratory is used between 51-100% of the school day, at a factor of 1; and

      (iii) if the elective classroom or laboratory is used between 0-50% percent of the school day, at a factor of .5.

  (2) The level of flexibility of a facility must be selected by a school district in order to calculate the minimum aggregate square footage under paragraph (3) of this subsection.

    (A) Flexibility Level 1 (L1). Single, fixed teacher presentation space; compact organization of spaces makes access to outdoor space limited and challenging; furniture is exclusively attached student desk/chair with an expectation of very infrequent rearrangement; minimal multipurpose functionality for walls with no capability of reconfiguration; teacher-centric digital instruction with partial access to mobile devices.

    (B) Flexibility Level 2 (L2). Single, fixed teacher presentation space; compact organization of spaces makes access to outdoor space limited and challenging, but outdoor spaces may be visible from classrooms; furniture includes detached student desk/chair with an expectation of very infrequent rearrangement; moderate multipurpose functionality for walls with no capability of reconfiguration; teacher-centric digital instruction with moderate access to mobile devices.

    (C) Flexibility Level 3 (L3). Multiple student/teacher presentation spaces; organization of spaces allows for proximal outdoor access that is visible from classrooms; flexible and mobile furniture that is easily rearranged; high use of multipurpose walls, including digital touchscreen and other functionalities; learner-centric digital instruction with high levels of access to a range of mobile devices.

    (D) Flexibility Level 4 (L4). Multiple student/teacher presentation spaces that are likely mobile; organization of spaces allows for direct outdoor access that is visible from classrooms; highly flexible and mobile furniture that is easily rearranged by students independently or collectively; maximized inclusion of multipurpose walls, including digital capabilities and reconfiguration; learner-centric digital instruction with high levels of access to a range of mobile devices incorporating an "anytime/anywhere" instructional philosophy.

  (3) The minimum aggregate square footage shall be determined based on the minimum square footage per student by campus type and the selected flexibility level approved under paragraph (2) of this subsection.

    (A) Elementary schools (prekindergarten-Grade 5):

      (i) L1 36 SF per pupil (pp);

      (ii) L2 36 SF pp;

      (iii) L3 42 SF pp; and

      (iv) L4 42 SF pp.

    (B) Middle schools (Grades 6-8):

      (i) L1 32 SF pp;

      (ii) L2 32 SF pp;

      (iii) L3 36 SF pp; and

      (iv) L4 36 SF pp.

    (C) High schools (Grades 9-12):

      (i) L1 32 SF pp;

      (ii) L2 32 SF pp;

      (iii) L3 36 SF pp; and

      (iv) L4 36 SF pp.

(i) Qualitative method of compliance for instructional facility space standards. A school district board of trustees shall approve compliance with this method or the method of compliance described in subsection (h) of this section before the commencement of design development for a capital improvement project for an instructional facility. A school district may use the qualitative method of compliance for a capital improvement project only if the board of trustees has prior documented approval of one or more instructional or operational practices for the proposed project that distributes or manages student capacity in an innovative or non-traditional manner. Prior to approving the Cont'd...

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