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RULE §61.1040School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after November 1, 2021

      (vii) Where projects are located in a municipality that does not have an adopted swimming pool code, projects must reasonably comply with the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, as published by the International Code Council, as it existed on May 1, 2019. Where projects are located in a municipality that has an adopted swimming pool code, projects must reasonably comply with the adopted swimming pool code.

      (viii) Projects must reasonably comply with the industrialized housing and building rules as adopted by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation in accordance with TOC, Chapter 1202.

  (2) Third-party code compliance requirements.

    (A) A school district shall require the prime design professional of a capital improvement project to submit to the school district a report identifying any construction code requirements that the prime design professional believes, to the best of their knowledge after performing research, will not be enforced by a state or local authority having jurisdiction.

    (B) A school district shall contract with a third-party code compliance officer to enforce any construction code requirement identified by a prime design professional pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph as not enforced by a state or local authority having jurisdiction and shall adjust the scope of services provided by the third-party code compliance officer if an error is discovered in the prime design professional's report.

    (C) A school district shall hire a third-party code compliance officer to have all of the duties and powers of a building official, as defined by the required construction codes and to the extent allowable by state law, to ensure compliance with any required construction code provisions identified as not enforced by a state or local jurisdiction with authority pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

    (D) In the manner specified by TGC, §2269.058, a school district shall procure the services of a third-party code compliance officer required by subsection (j) of this section as a professional service in accordance with the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act, as established in TGC, Chapter 2254.

    (E) A third-party code compliance officer must not be a design professional responsible for the design of any portion of the project, anyone employed by a design professional responsible for the design of any portion of the project, a contractor responsible for constructing any portion of the project, or anyone employed by a contractor responsible for constructing any portion of the project. A third-party code compliance officer may be a peer reviewer that performs a peer review required for any storm shelters that are part of the project.

    (F) A third-party code compliance officer must have a Certified Building Official designation from the International Code Council (ICC). A third-party code compliance officer must also have at least ten years of experience or equivalent experience as an architect, engineer, inspector, contractor or superintendent of construction, or any combination of these, at least five years of which have been supervisory experience.

    (G) A plan review performed by or under the supervision of a third-party code compliance officer must be performed by a qualified design professional or an independent third party qualified to certify plans through the ICC for the appropriate building, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing trade. Plan reviews performed under the supervision of a third-party code compliance officer must be performed by a person with at least five years of experience as an engineer or an architect.

    (H) The following shall apply to a storm shelter where a required construction code has a provision requiring a storm shelter for certain projects.

      (i) For the purposes of determining if a storm shelter is required for a specific building area, a school district shall require a third-party code compliance officer to accept, as a modification of the code in lieu of meeting the requirement to provide a storm shelter for that specific area, any written justification submitted by the school district that purports that the intended use of the specific building area that would be served by a storm shelter is not used for educational purposes during normal school hours when attendance is mandatory.

      (ii) Where a storm shelter is required for new construction, a school district shall require a third-party code compliance officer to allow the occupant load for storm shelter design to be 110% of maximum instructional capacity, as stated by the designated representative of the school district in writing, even if this is significantly less than the total occupant load used for other purposes such as fire egress.

      (iii) Where a storm shelter is required for additions, a school district shall require a third-party code compliance officer to allow the occupant load for storm shelter design to be based on, prorating where only a portion of the school facility is considered, 110% of maximum instructional capacity, as stated by the designated representative of the school district in writing, even if this is significantly less than the total occupant load used for other purposes such as fire egress.

      (iv) For the purposes of determining if a storm shelter can serve the occupants of a building that is located at a distance from the storm shelter that is greater than a code-required maximum distance, a school district shall require a third-party code compliance officer to accept, as a modification of the code in lieu of meeting the specific distance requirement, any written emergency operations plan submitted by the school district that purports to provide early notification to those occupants. School districts may use protections provided in TEC, §37.108, to protect sensitive information.

      (v) For the purposes of determining if a storm shelter is required to be constructed at a school facility where applicable construction codes require a storm shelter and a modular building be installed as part of the project, a school district shall require a third-party code compliance officer to consider as new construction any modular building that is installed as part of the project, regardless of whether it is relocatable.

  (3) Other requirements.

    (A) A capital improvement project for a school facility subject to the standards in this section must comply with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design as well as the Texas Accessibility Standards of 2012.

    (B) A school district shall notify a design professional in writing of any construction-related standard or expectation of the school district for the project that is not otherwise established or required by an applicable construction code as required in this subjection. Where a school district contracts with a design professional and that design professional subcontracts another design professional, the school district need only notify the design professional that has a contract with the school district.

    (C) A school district shall consider as part of a capital improvement project the use of designs, methods, and materials that will reduce the potential for indoor air quality problems. A school district may use the voluntary indoor air quality guidelines adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 385; the "Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools" program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; or some other updated state approved guidelines or standards for indoor air quality in response to communicable disease related public health issues.

    (D) A school district shall consider as part of a capital improvement project the use of sustainable school designs. A sustainable design is a design that minimizes a facility's impact on the environment through energy and resource efficiency.

(k) Safety and security standards.

  (1) Compliance requirements applicable to all instructional facilities campus-wide. A capital improvement project of a school district or an open-enrollment charter school must include campus-wide implementation of the following provisions.

    (A) Communications infrastructure. In accordance with TEC, §37.108, a school district or an open-enrollment charter school shall:

      (i) develop a multi-hazard plan that provides measures to ensure that school district communications technology and infrastructure are adequate to allow for communication during an emergency;

      (ii) implement measures to ensure every classroom and portable classroom provides district employees, including substitute teachers, access to a telephone, cellular telephone, or other electronic communications device to allow immediate contact with district emergency services or emergency services agencies, law enforcement agencies, health departments, and fire departments; and


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