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RULE §61.1040School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after November 1, 2021

      (iii) develop site plans and floor plans for a school facility in accordance with TEC, §37.108(f).

    (B) Access control. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school shall develop a document that designates each exterior door of each instructional facility campus-wide as either primary, secondary, or non-designated entrances and shall ensure that the documented designation of all exterior doors becomes part of the long-range facility plan prior to commencement of construction of a capital improvement project.

  (2) Additional standards based on the project construction budget. A school district shall approve a project construction budget for a capital improvement project at completion of the design development phase of the project and prior to commencement of the construction documents phase. The project construction budget approved by the school district shall determine how many of the additional safety and security standards established in paragraph (3) of this subsection are required for the project. A school district shall designate in writing which of the additional safety and security standards in paragraph (3) of this subsection have been approved by the school district board of trustees for a capital improvement project and shall provide to the prime design professional and each design professional of record written documentation of the approved safety and security standards for the proposed facility prior to commencement of the construction documents phase of a capital improvement project. The following standards shall apply to a capital improvement project for an instructional facility until all instructional facilities campus-wide fully comply with all of the additional safety and security standards specified in this subsection.

    (A) If a project construction budget is $1 million to $5 million, the facility is required to comply with at least one additional safety and security standard specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

    (B) If a project construction budget is $5 million to $10 million, the facility is required to comply with at least two additional safety and security standards specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

    (C) If a project construction budget is over $10 million, the facility is required to comply with all of the additional safety and security standards specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

    (D) For a capital improvement project that includes new construction, the new construction of an instructional facility is required to comply with all three of the additional safety and security standards specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

  (3) Additional safety and security standards applicable to all instructional facilities campus-wide. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school must include campus-wide implementation of the following standards in accordance with terms and requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection.

    (A) Exterior door numbering. All instructional facilities campus-wide, including portable, modular buildings, must include the addition of graphically represented alpha-numerical characters on both the interior and exterior of each exterior door location. The characters may be installed on the door, or on at least one door at locations where more than one door leads from the exterior to the same room inside the facility, or on the wall immediately adjacent to or above the door location. Characters shall comply with the IFC, §505. The primary entrance of an instructional facility, as defined by subsection (a)(23)(A) of this section, shall always be the first in the entire sequence and is the only door location that does not require numbering. The numbering sequence shall be clockwise and may be sequenced for the entire campus or for each facility individually. The design professional of record shall coordinate with school district personnel and local emergency response personnel prior to incorporating exterior door numbering characters and locations into the contract documents for the facility or facilities specified to be included in a capital improvement project. The design professional of record shall coordinate this requirement with any and all accessibility requirements related to signage.

    (B) Visitor management. All primary entrances of instructional facilities campus-wide must include the following:

      (i) an unobstructed line of sight of approaching visitors through physical or digital means;

      (ii) a physical barrier that prevents unassisted access to the facility by a visitor; and

      (iii) a location for a visitor check-in and check-out process.

    (C) Security cameras. All primary and secondary entrances of instructional facilities campus-wide must include a security camera.

  (4) Exceptions to additional standards based on cost. A school district may opt out of the requirements specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection if:

    (A) the facility is scheduled to, according to the long-range facilities plan, cease operations as an instructional facility within three years of the project; and

    (B) the five-year long-range facility plan clearly states that, prior to the end date of the plan, the facility will be compliant with at least two additional safety and security standards specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection if ceasing operation does not occur or operation resumes. The long-range facility plan must specify which two additional safety and security standards will be implemented.

  (5) Public disclosure process. A school district board of trustees or open-enrollment charter school governing body shall ensure information or documents collected, developed, or produced by the district as part of a capital improvement project are reviewed to ensure that any project-specific safety and security information is adjusted for disclosure if necessary to accommodate the requirement for a district to use protections provided in TEC, §37.108, which directs the school district to protect sensitive information, while also providing general information to the public indicating district compliance commitments made in accordance with this subsection.

Source Note: The provisions of this §61.1040 adopted to be effective October 12, 2021, 46 TexReg 6915

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