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RULE §63.22Electronic Submission of Request for Attorney General Decision

(a) A governmental body that requests a decision from the attorney general under Texas Government Code §552.301 about whether requested public information is excepted from public disclosure may submit that request for decision to the attorney general through the attorney general's designated electronic filing system.

(b) The governmental body's request for decision must comply with the requirements of Texas Government Code §552.301.

(c) The deadlines in Texas Government Code §552.301 and §552.303 are met if the governmental body timely submits the required documents and other materials through the attorney general's designated electronic filing system within the time prescribed.

(d) The governmental body must comply with the requirements of Texas Government Code §552.301(d) and (e-1), and §552.305 regardless of whether the request for attorney general decision is submitted electronically or through another permissible method of submission.

(e) To use the attorney general's designated electronic filing system, the governmental body must agree to and comply with the terms and conditions of use as outlined on the attorney general's designated electronic filing system website.

(f) The confidentiality of Texas Government Code §552.3035 applies to information submitted under Texas Government Code §552.301(e)(1)(D) through the attorney general's designated electronic filing system.

(g) Each submission to the attorney general's designated electronic filing system must pertain to one decision request matter. A governmental body may not combine multiple unrelated decision requests into a single submission through the attorney general's designated electronic filing system. However, a governmental body may submit a single request for decision for multiple written requests for information if the written requests for information seek information that is identical, is based on some or all of the same facts or fact pattern, or is directly related.

(h) A governmental body who, pursuant to Texas Government Code §552.3031(a)(2), does not use the attorney general's designated electronic filing system because it is impractical or impossible shall provide a statement in its request for decision that explains why it was impractical or impossible to use the attorney general's designated electronic filing system, including the date and approximate time the governmental body attempted submission.

(i) If a governmental body extends into more than one county, then the governmental body shall use the population of the county in which its central administrative office is located to determine if Texas Government Code §552.3031(a)(1)(B) is applicable to the governmental body.

Source Note: The provisions of this §63.22 adopted to be effective March 18, 2012, 37 TexReg 1695; amended to be effective August 13, 2024, 49 TexReg 5937

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