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RULE §7.117Memorandum of Understanding between the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

    (D) If TCEQ or RRC field personnel receive spill notifications or reports documenting improperly managed waste or contaminated environmental media resulting from a spill or discharge that is under the jurisdiction of the other agency, they shall refer the issue to the other agency. The agency that has jurisdiction over the activity that resulted in the improperly managed waste, spill, discharge, or contaminated environmental media will be responsible for measures necessary to monitor, document, and remediate the incident.

  (9) Anthropogenic carbon dioxide storage. In determining the proper permitting agency in regard to a particular permit application for a carbon dioxide geologic storage project, the TCEQ and the RRC will coordinate by any appropriate means to review proposed locations, geologic settings, reservoir data, and other jurisdictional criteria specified in Texas Water Code, §27.041.

(f) Radioactive material.

  (1) Radioactive substances. Under the Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.011, the TCEQ has jurisdiction to regulate and license:

    (A) the disposal of radioactive substances;

    (B) the processing or storage of low-level radioactive waste or NORM waste from other persons, except oil and gas NORM waste;

    (C) the recovery or processing of source material;

    (D) the processing of by-product material as defined by Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.003(3)(B); and

    (E) sites for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste, by-product material, or NORM waste.

  (2) NORM waste.

    (A) Under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.415, the RRC has jurisdiction over the disposal of NORM waste that constitutes, is contained in, or has contaminated oil and gas waste. This waste material is called "oil and gas NORM waste." Oil and gas NORM waste may be generated in connection with the exploration, development, or production of oil or gas.

    (B) Under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.412, the TCEQ has jurisdiction over the disposal of NORM that is not oil and gas NORM waste.

    (C) The term "disposal" does not include receipt, possession, use, processing, transfer, transport, storage, or commercial distribution of radioactive materials, including NORM. These non-disposal activities are under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of State Health Services under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.011(a).

  (3) Drinking water residuals. A person licensed for the commercial disposal of NORM waste from public water systems may dispose of NORM waste only by injection into a Class I injection well permitted under Chapter 331 of this title (relating to Underground Injection Control) that is specifically permitted for the disposal of NORM waste.

  (4) Management of radioactive tracer material.

    (A) Radioactive tracer material is subject to the definition of low-level radioactive waste under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.004, and must be handled and disposed of in accordance with the rules of the TCEQ and the Department of State Health Services.

    (B) Exemption. Under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.106, the TCEQ may grant an exemption by rule from a licensing requirement if the TCEQ finds that the exemption will not constitute a significant risk to the public health and safety and the environment.

  (5) Coordination with the Texas Radiation Advisory Board. The RRC and the TCEQ will consider recommendations and advice provided by the Texas Radiation Advisory Board that concern either agency's policies or programs related to the development, use, or regulation of a source of radiation. Both agencies will provide written response to the recommendations or advice provided by the advisory board.

  (6) Uranium exploration and mining.

    (A) Under Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 131, the RRC has jurisdiction over uranium exploration activities.

    (B) Under Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 131, the RRC has jurisdiction over uranium mining, except for in situ recovery processes.

    (C) Under Texas Water Code, §27.0513, the TCEQ has jurisdiction over injection wells used for uranium mining.

    (D) Under Texas Health and Safety Code, §401.2625, the TCEQ has jurisdiction over the licensing of source material recovery and processing or for storage, processing, or disposal of by-product material.

(g) Effective date. This Memorandum of Understanding, as of its July 15, 2020, effective date, shall supersede the prior Memorandum of Understanding among the agencies, dated May 1, 2012.

Source Note: The provisions of this §7.117 adopted to be effective July 15, 2020, 45 TexReg 4341

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