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RULE §84.808Model Clauses

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  (22) Effect of early and late payments. For contracts using the true daily earnings method, the model clause reads: "You based the Finance Charge, Total of Payments, and Total Sale Price as if all payments were made as scheduled. If I do not timely make all my payments in at least the correct amount, I will have to pay more Finance Charge and my last payment will be more than my final scheduled payment. If I make scheduled payments early, my Finance Charge will be reduced (less). If I make my scheduled payments late, my Finance Charge will increase."

  (23) Interest on matured amount. For contracts using the scheduled installment earnings method or the sum of the periodic balances method, the model provision for interest on any matured amount at any rate permitted by law reads: "If I don't pay all I owe when the final payment becomes due, or I do not pay all I owe if you demand payment in full under this contract, I will pay an interest charge on the amount that is still unpaid. That interest charge will be the higher rate of 18% per year or the maximum rate allowed by law, if that rate is higher. The interest charge for this amount will begin the day after the final payment becomes due." In this provision, the maximum rate allowed by law refers to the rate found in Texas Finance Code, Chapter 303.

  (24) Balloon payments. If the contract has a balloon payment, the creditor must include a provision in the contract that allows the buyer to refinance the balloon payment over time. The provision must comply with Texas Finance Code, §348.123. The model provision for defining the balloon payment reads: "A balloon payment is a scheduled payment more than twice the amount of the average of my scheduled payments, other than the downpayment, that are due before the balloon payment."

    (A) Paying the balloon payment. If a retail installment contract contains a balloon payment that is the final payment, the contract must also provide the right for the retail buyer to pay the balloon payment. The model provision for paying the amount of the final scheduled balloon payment reads: "I can pay all I owe when the balloon payment is due and keep my motor vehicle."

    (B) Balloon payment alternatives. If the retail installment contract contains the right for a retail buyer to refinance a balloon installment, the contract provision to refinance the installment must comply with either clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph. A contract under clause (ii) of this subparagraph must also contain the right of the retail buyer to sell the motor vehicle back to the holder or the retail seller.

      (i) The model clause to describe a buyer's right to refinance a balloon installment under Texas Finance Code, §348.123(a), when applicable reads: "If I buy the motor vehicle primarily for personal, family, or household use, I can enter into a new written agreement to refinance the balloon payment when due without a refinancing fee. If I refinance the balloon payment, my periodic payments will not be larger or more often than the payments in this contract. The annual percentage rate in the new agreement will not be more than the Annual Percentage Rate in this contract. This provision does not apply if my Payment Schedule has been adjusted to my seasonal or irregular income."

      (ii) If the contract contains a balloon payment and the seller intends Texas Finance Code, §348.123(b)(5) to apply to the contract:

        (I) Special right to refinance balloon payment under Texas Finance Code, §348.123(b)(5)(B)(iii). The model clause reads: "I can enter into a new agreement to refinance my last installment if I am not in default. I can refinance at an annual percentage rate up to 5 points greater than the Annual Percentage Rate shown in this contract. The rate will not be more than applicable law allows. The new agreement will allow me to refinance the last installment for at least 24 months with equal monthly payments. You and I can also agree to refinance the last installment over another time period or on a different payment schedule."

        (II) Repurchase option. If the contract includes a balloon payment, the creditor must draft a provision addressing the repurchase option.

  (25) Agreement to keep motor vehicle insured. The model clause regarding agreement to keep the motor vehicle insured reads: "I agree to have physical damage insurance covering loss or damage to the motor vehicle for the term of this contract. The insurance must cover your interest in the vehicle. The insurer must be authorized to do business in Texas." The creditor may include one or both of the following optional provisions:

    (A) "The insurance must include collision coverage and either comprehensive or fire, theft, and combined additional coverage."

    (B) "The maximum deductible is $________."

  (26) Creditor's right to purchase required insurance if buyer fails to keep motor vehicle insured. The model clause regarding agreement to allow the creditor to purchase required insurance if the buyer fails to keep the motor vehicle insured reads: "If I fail to give you proof that I have insurance, you may buy physical damage insurance. You may buy insurance that covers my interest and your interest in the motor vehicle, or you may buy insurance that covers your interest only. I will pay the premium for the insurance and a finance charge at the contract rate. If you obtain collateral protection insurance, you will mail notice to my last known address shown in your file."

  (27) Physical damage insurance proceeds. The model clause regarding physical damage insurance proceeds reads: "I must use physical damage insurance proceeds to repair the motor vehicle, unless you agree otherwise in writing. However, if the motor vehicle is a total loss, I must use the insurance proceeds to pay what I owe you. I agree that you can use any proceeds from insurance to repair the motor vehicle, or you may reduce what I owe under this contract. If you apply insurance proceeds to the amount I owe, they will be applied to my payments in the reverse order of when they are due. If my insurance on the motor vehicle or credit insurance doesn't pay all I owe, I must pay what is still owed. Once all amounts owed under this contract are paid, any remaining proceeds will be paid to me."

  (28) Returned insurance premiums and service contract charges. The contract may authorize a creditor to apply charges returned to the creditor for canceled insurance, service contract, and extended warranty charges to the buyer's obligation under the agreement as permitted by law, regardless of whether or not the buyer is in default under the contract.

    (A) The model clause for contracts using the true daily earnings method reads: "If you get a refund on insurance or service contracts, or other contracts included in the cash price, you will subtract it from what I owe. Once all amounts owed under this contract are paid, any remaining refunds will be paid to me."

    (B) For contracts using the scheduled installment earnings or sum of the periodic balances methods, the creditor may substitute the following clause: "If you get a refund of insurance or service contract charges, you will apply it and the unearned finance charges on it in the reverse order of the payments to as many of my payments as it will cover. Once all amounts owed under this contract are paid, any remaining refunds will be paid to me."

  (29) Application of credits. The model clause regarding application of credits reads: "Any credit that reduces my debt will apply to my payments in the reverse order of when they are due, unless you decide to apply it to another part of my debt. The amount of the credit and all finance charge or interest on the credit will be applied to my payments in the reverse order of my payments."

  (30) Transfer of rights. The seller does not have a duty to disclose the terms on which a contract or a balance under a contract is acquired, including any discount or difference between the rates, charges, or balance under the contract and the rates, charges, or balance acquired as provided by Texas Finance Code, §348.301. The model clause regarding transfer of rights reads: "You may transfer this contract to another person. That person will then have all your rights, privileges, and remedies."

  (31) Grant of security interest in collateral. The model clause regarding a description of a security interest granted in a typical motor vehicle installment sale reads:

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  (32) Agreements regarding use and transfer of motor vehicle. The contract may contain a provision prohibiting a buyer from transferring any interest in the motor vehicle without the creditor's written permission, requiring the buyer to notify the seller of change of address, or prohibiting the removal of the motor vehicle from Texas. The transfer fee limitation establishes the maximum fee that a creditor could contract for, charge, or collect for transferring the buyer's equity in the motor vehicle to another party. If desired, a creditor may amend the model provision to reflect a lower transfer fee amount. The model clause concerning agreements regarding the use and transfer of the motor vehicle reads: "I will not sell or transfer the Cont'd...

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