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RULE §263.601Program Provider Reimbursement
Texas Register

The following requirements apply to program provider reimbursement.

  (1) HHSC pays a program provider as described in this paragraph.

    (A) HHSC pays for supported home living, professional therapies, nursing, respite, in-home respite, employment assistance, supported employment, and CFC PAS/HAB in accordance with the reimbursement rate for the specific service.

    (B) HHSC pays for host home/companion care, residential support, supervised living, in-home day habilitation and day habilitation in accordance with the individual's LON and the reimbursement rate for the specific service.

    (C) HHSC pays for adaptive aids, minor home modifications, and dental treatment based on the actual cost of the item and, if requested, a requisition fee in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Requirements available on the HHSC website.

    (D) HHSC pays:

      (i) for TAS based on a Transition Assistance Services (TAS) Assessment and Authorization form authorized by HHSC and the actual cost of the TAS as evidenced by purchase receipts required by the HCS Program Billing Requirements; and

      (ii) if requested, a TAS service fee in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Requirements.

    (E) HHSC pays for pre-enrollment minor home modifications and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment based on a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program Pre-enrollment MHM Authorization Request form authorized by HHSC and the actual cost of the pre-enrollment minor home modifications and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment, as evidenced by documentation required by the HCS Program Billing Requirements.

    (F) Subject to the requirements in the HCS Program Billing Requirements, HHSC pays for TAS, pre-enrollment minor home modifications, and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment regardless of whether the applicant enrolls with the program provider.

    (G) HHSC pays for CFC ERS based on the actual cost of the service, not to exceed the reimbursement rate ceiling for CFC ERS.

  (2) To be paid for the provision of a service, a program provider must submit a service claim that meets the requirements in 40 TAC §49.311 (relating to Claims Payment) and the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers.

  (3) If an individual's HCS Program services or CFC services are suspended or terminated a program provider must not submit a claim for services provided during the period of the individual's suspension or after the termination, except that the program provider may submit a claim for the first day of the individual's suspension or termination for the following services:

    (A) in-home day habilitation;

    (B) day habilitation;

    (C) supported home living;

    (D) in-home respite;

    (E) respite;

    (F) employment assistance;

    (G) supported employment;

    (H) professional therapies;

    (I) nursing; and

    (J) CFC PAS/HAB.

  (4) If a program provider submits a claim for an adaptive aid that costs $500 or more or for a minor home modification that costs $1,000 or more, the claim must be supported by a written assessment from a licensed professional specified by HHSC in the HCS Program Billing Requirements and other documentation as required by the HCS Program Billing Requirements.

  (5) HHSC does not pay a program provider for:

    (A) a service or recoups any payments made to the program provider for a service if:

      (i) except for an individual receiving TAS, pre-enrollment minor home modifications, or a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment, the individual receiving the service was, at the time the service was provided, ineligible for the HCS Program or Medicaid benefits, or was an inpatient of a hospital, nursing facility, or ICF/IID;

      (ii) except for TAS, pre-enrollment minor home modifications, and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment:

        (I) the service was provided to an individual during a period of time for which there was not a signed, dated, and authorized IPC for the individual;

        (II) the service was provided during a period of time for which there was not a signed and dated ID/RC Assessment for the individual;

        (III) the service was provided during a period of time for which the individual did not have an LOC determination;

        (IV) the service was not provided in accordance with a signed, dated, and authorized IPC meeting the requirements set forth in §263.301(c) of this chapter (relating to IPC Requirements);

        (V) the service was not provided in accordance with the individual's PDP or implementation plan;

        (VI) the service was provided before the individual's enrollment date into the HCS Program; or

        (VII) the service was not included on the signed, dated, and authorized IPC of the individual in effect at the time the service was provided, except as permitted by §263.302(d) of this chapter (relating to Renewal and Revision of an IPC);

      (iii) the service was not provided in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers;

      (iv) the service was not documented in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers;

      (v) the program provider did not comply with 40 TAC §49.305 (relating to Records);

      (vi) the claim for the service was not prepared and submitted in accordance with the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers;

      (vii) the claim for the service did not meet the requirements in 40 TAC §49.311 (relating to Claims Payment) or the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers;

      (viii) the program provider does not have the documentation described in paragraph (3) of this section;

      (ix) HHSC determines that the service would have been paid for by a source other than the HCS Program if the program provider had submitted to the other source a proper, complete, and timely request for payment for the service;

      (x) the service was provided by a service provider who did not meet the qualifications to provide the service as described in the HCS Program Billing Requirements or the CFC Billing Requirements for HCS and TxHmL Program Providers;

      (xi) the service was paid at an incorrect LON because the information entered in the HHSC data system from a completed ID/RC Assessment was not identical to the information on the completed ID/RC Assessment; or

      (xii) the service was not provided;

    (B) supervised living or residential support, if the program provider provided the supervised living or residential support service in a residence in which four individuals or other persons receiving similar services live without HHSC's approval as described in rules governing the HCS Program;

    (C) employment assistance, if before including the employment assistance on an individual's IPC, the program provider did not ensure and maintain documentation in the individual's record that employment assistance was not available to the individual under a program funded under §110 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or under a program funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. §1401 et seq.);

    (D) supported employment, if before including the supported employment on an individual's IPC, the program provider did not ensure and maintain documentation in the individual's record that supported employment was not available to the individual under a program funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. §1401 et seq.);

    (E) host home/companion care, residential support, or supervised living, if the host home/companion care, residential support, or supervised living was provided on the day of the individual's suspension or termination of HCS Program services;

    (F) TAS, if the TAS, was not provided in accordance with a Transition Assistance Services (TAS) Assessment and Authorization form authorized by HHSC;

    (G) pre-enrollment minor home modifications and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment, if the pre-enrollment minor home modifications and a pre-enrollment minor home modifications assessment, was not provided in accordance with a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program Pre-enrollment MHM Authorization Request form authorized by HHSC;

    (H) a CFC service, if the CFC service, was provided to an individual receiving host home/companion care, supervised living, or residential support;


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