The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter,
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
(1) Acceleration--The reorganization of instruction
and curricula in ways that expedite the completion of coursework or
credentials based on an assessment of students' strengths and needs.
It involves a departure from the traditional multi-course sequence
in favor of a more streamlined structure. Some examples include, but
are not limited to emporium models and modular models, co-requisites,
course-pairing, and computer-assisted instruction.
(2) Advising--The ongoing and intentional process by
which faculty and/or staff members assist students to navigate their
choice of courses or majors, access campus and community services,
develop career goals and short/long-term plans.
(3) Assessment--The use of a Board-approved instrument
to determine the academic skills of each entering undergraduate student
and the student's readiness to enroll in freshman-level academic coursework.
(4) Board--The Texas Higher Education Coordinating
(5) Course Pairing--An instructional strategy whereby
students are enrolled or reenrolled simultaneously in a developmental
education course and/or intervention and the gateway course of the
same subject matter within the same semester. The developmental component
provides support that advances the students' success in the gateway
(6) Developmental Coursework and/or Intervention--Non-degree-credit
coursework and/or activity designed to address a student's strengths
and needs in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics and student
(7) Developmental Education--Developmental courses,
tutorials, laboratories, and other means of assistance that are included
in a plan to ensure the success of a student in performing freshman-level
academic coursework.
(8) Differentiated Instruction--The different instructional
processes used to work within a student's varied skill levels, motivational
attitudes and learning preferences.
(9) Differentiated Placement--Advising and placement
of students based on individual strengths and needs.
(10) Institution of higher education or institution--Any
public technical institute, public junior college, public senior college
or university, medical or dental unit, or other agency of higher education
as defined in Texas Education Code, §61.003(8).
(11) Measureable Learning Outcomes--Knowledge, skills,
and abilities, and/or attitudes that students should be able to demonstrate
upon completion of a course and/or intervention.
(12) Minimum Passing Standards--The minimum scores
which must be attained by a student in reading, writing, and mathematics
that indicates the student's readiness to enroll in freshman-level
academic coursework.
(13) Non-Course-Based Developmental Education Interventions
(also known as Non-Semester-Length Interventions)--Interventions that
use learning approaches designed to address a student's identified
weaknesses and effectively and efficiently prepare the student for
college-level work. These interventions must be overseen by an instructor
of record, must not fit traditional course frameworks, and cannot
include advising or learning support activities already connected
to a traditional course; interventions may include, but are not limited
to, tutoring, supplemental instruction, or labs.
(14) Non-Degree Credit Course--A course which may not
be counted toward a degree or certificate. The term includes developmental,
pre-collegiate and continuing education courses.
(15) Professional Development--The provision of ongoing
and systematic learning opportunities for developmental educators
and support staff that focus on research-based strategies, methodologies,
and best practices resulting in effective and efficient coursework
and/or interventions advancing the cognitive and non-cognitive skills
of underprepared students seeking post-secondary enrichment, certificates,
and degrees.
(16) Program Evaluation--A systematic method of collecting,
analyzing, and using information to answer questions about developmental
education courses, interventions, and policies, particularly about
their effectiveness and cost-efficiency.
(17) Technology--The use of instructional aids, methods
and/or other computer-based tools that enhance student learning.