
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §703.11Requirement to Demonstrate Available Funds for Cancer Research Grants

(a) Prior to the disbursement of Grant Award funds, the Grant Recipient of a Cancer Research Grant Award shall demonstrate that the Grant Recipient has an amount of Encumbered Funds equal to one-half of the Grant Award available and not yet expended that are dedicated to the research that is the subject of the Grant Award. The Grant Recipient's written certification of Matching Funds, as described in this section, shall be included in the Grant Contract. A Grant Recipient of a multiyear Grant Award may certify Matching Funds on a year-by-year basis for the amount of Award Funds to be distributed for the Project Year based upon the Approved Budget. A Grant Recipient receiving multiple Grant Awards may provide certification at the institutional level.

(b) For purposes of the certification required by subsection (a) of this section, a Grant Recipient that is a public or private institution of higher education, as defined by §61.003, Texas Education Code, may credit toward the Grant Recipient's Matching Funds obligation the dollar amount equivalent to the difference between the indirect cost rate authorized by the federal government for research grants awarded to the Grant Recipient and the five percent (5%) Indirect Cost limit imposed by §102.203(c), Texas Health and Safety Code, subject to the following requirements:

  (1) The Grant Recipient shall file certification with the Institute documenting the federal indirect cost rate authorized for research grants awarded to the Grant Recipient;

  (2) To the extent that the Grant Recipient's Matching Funds credit does not equal or exceed one-half of the Grant Award funds to be distributed for the Project Year, then the Grant Recipient's Matching Funds certification shall demonstrate that a combination of the dollar amount equivalent credit and the funds to be dedicated to the Grant Award project as described in subsection (c) of this section is available and sufficient to meet or exceed the Matching Fund requirement;

  (3) Calculation of the portion of federal indirect cost rate credit associated with subcontracted work performed for the Grant Recipient shall be in accordance with the Grant Recipient's established internal policy; and

  (4) If the Grant Recipient's federal indirect cost rate changes less than six months following the anniversary of the Effective Date of the Grant Contract, then the Grant Recipient may use the new federal indirect cost rate for the purpose of calculating the Grant Recipient's Matching Funds credit for the entirety of the Project Year.

(c) For purposes of the certification required by subsection (a) of this section, Encumbered Funds must be spent directly on the Grant Project or spent on closely related work that supports, extends, or facilitates the Grant Project and may include:

  (1) Federal funds, including, but not limited to, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds, and the fair market value of drug development support provided to the recipient by the National Cancer Institute or other similar programs;

  (2) State of Texas funds;

  (3) funds of other states;

  (4) Non-governmental funds, including private funds, foundation grants, gifts and donations;

  (5) Unrecovered Indirect Costs not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the Grant Award amount, subject to the following conditions:

    (A) These costs are not otherwise charged against the Grant Award as the five percent (5%) indirect funds amount allowed under §703.12(c) of this chapter (relating to Limitation on Use of Funds);

    (B) The Grant Recipient must have a documented federal indirect cost rate or an indirect cost rate certified by an independent accounting firm; and

    (C) The Grant Recipient is not a public or private institution of higher education as defined by §61.003 of the Texas Education Code.

  (6) Funds contributed by a subcontractor or subawardee and spent on the Grant Project, so long as the subcontractor's or subawardee's portion of otherwise allowable Matching Funds for a Project Year may not exceed the percentage of the total Grant Funds paid to the subcontractor or subawardee for the same Project Year.

(d) For purposes of the certification required by subsection (a) of this section, the following items do not qualify as Encumbered Funds:

  (1) In-kind costs;

  (2) Volunteer services furnished to the Grant Recipient;

  (3) Noncash contributions;

  (4) Income earned by the Grant Recipient that is not available at the time of Grant Award;

  (5) Pre-existing real estate of the Grant Recipient including building, facilities and land;

  (6) Deferred giving such as a charitable remainder annuity trust, a charitable remainder unitrust, or a pooled income fund; or

  (7) Other items as may be determined by the Oversight Committee.

(e) To the extent that a Grant Recipient of a multiyear Grant Award elects to certify Matching Funds on a Project Year basis, the failure to provide certification of Encumbered Funds at the appropriate time for each Project Year may serve as grounds for suspending reimbursement or advancement of Grant Funds for project costs or terminating the Grant Contract.

(f) In no event shall Grant Award funds for a Project Year be advanced or reimbursed, as may be appropriate for the Grant Award and specified in the Grant Contract, until the certification required by subsection (a) of this section is filed and approved by the Institute.

(g) No later than 30 days following the due date of the FSR reflecting expenses incurred during the last quarter of the Grant Recipient's Project Year, the Grant Recipient shall file a form with the Institute reporting the amount of Matching Funds spent for the preceding Project Year.

(h) If the Grant Recipient failed to expend Matching Funds equal to one-half of the actual amount of Grant Award funds distributed to the Grant Recipient for the same Project Year the Institute shall:

  (1) Carry forward and add to the Matching Fund requirement for the next Project Year the dollar amount equal to the deficiency between the actual amount of Grant Award funds distributed and the actual Matching Funds expended, so long as the deficiency is equal to or less than twenty percent (20%) of the total Matching Funds required for the same period and the Grant Recipient has not previously had a Matching Funds deficiency for the project;

  (2) Suspend distributing Grant Award funds for the project to the Grant Recipient if the deficiency between the actual amount of Grant Funds distributed and the Matching Funds expended is greater than twenty percent (20%) but less than fifty percent (50%) of the total Matching Funds required for the period.

    (A) The Grant Recipient will have no less than eight months from the anniversary of the Grant Contract's effective date to demonstrate that it has expended Encumbered Funds sufficient to fulfill the Matching Funds deficiency for the project.

    (B) If the Grant Recipient fails to fulfill the Matching Funds deficiency within the specified period, then the Grant Contract shall be considered in default and the Institute may proceed with terminating the Grant Award pursuant to the process established in the Grant Contract;

  (3) Declare the Grant Contract in default if the deficiency between the actual amount of Grant Award funds distributed and the Matching Funds expended is greater than fifty percent (50%) of the total Matching Funds required for the period. The Institute may proceed with terminating the Grant Award pursuant to the process established in the Grant Contract; or

  (4) Take appropriate action, including withholding reimbursement, requiring repayment of the deficiency, or terminating the Grant Contract if a deficiency exists between the actual amount of Grant Award funds distributed and the Matching Funds expended and it is the last year of the Grant Contract;

(i) Nothing herein shall preclude the Institute from taking action other than described in subsection (h) of this section based upon the specific reasons for the deficiency. To the extent that other action not described herein is taken by the Institute, such action shall be documented in writing and included in Grant Contract records. The options described in subsection (h)(1) and (2) of this section may be used by the Grant Recipient only one time for the particular project. A second deficiency of any amount shall be considered an event of default and the Institute may proceed with terminating the Grant Award pursuant to the process established in the Grant Contract.

(j) The Grant Recipient shall maintain adequate documentation supporting the source and use of the Matching Funds reported in the certification required by subsection (a) of this section. The Institute shall conduct an annual review of the documentation supporting the source and use of Matching Funds reported in the required certification for a risk-identified sample of Grant Recipients. Based upon the results of the sample, the Institute may elect to expand the review of supporting documentation to other Grant Recipients. Nothing herein restricts the authority of the Institute to review supporting documentation for one or more Grant Recipients or to conduct a review of Matching Funds documentation more frequently 703.12. Limitation on Use of Funds

Source Note: The provisions of this §703.11 adopted to be effective December 21, 2009, 34 TexReg 9213; amended to be effective March 2, 2014, 39 TexReg 1386; amended to be effective September 17, 2014, 39 TexReg 7342; amended to be effective December 10, 2014, 39 TexReg 9565; amended to be effective March 11, 2015, 40 TexReg 1092; amended to be effective June 10, 2015, 40 TexReg 3569; amended to be effective March 9, 2016, 41 TexReg 1694; amended to be effective December 7, 2016, 41 TexReg 9527

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