
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §181.28Instructions and Requirements for Issuance of Certified Copies of Vital Records by the State Registrar, Local Registrar, or County Clerk

(a) Birth certificates.

  (1) The state registrar, local registrar, or county clerk shall issue only two types of records for births:

    (A) a full reproduction of the legal portion of the original record as filed in their office with any addendum(s); or

    (B) an abstract or certification of birth facts, taken from the original record except for probate records and delayed records which may not be abstracted. An abstract or certification of birth facts shall be issued in one of four styles:

      (i) a standard abstract or certification;;

      (ii) a wallet-sized abstract or certification;

      (iii) a typewritten abstract in accordance with Title 3, Health and Safety Code, §192.005 and §192.011, or when the condition of the original record does not permit full reproduction; or

      (iv) an heirloom style abstract or certification.

  (2) Each certified copy of a record, or abstract of a record, shall be issued over the signature or facsimile thereof of the officer to whom the record is entrusted, shall bear the seal of their office, and shall bear a statement of certification:

    (A) either as a part of the custodian's files; or

    (B) as authorized to be issued from the state registrar's file.

  (3) All certified copies or abstracts of birth records shall include at a minimum the following information, if known:

    (A) state or local file number;

    (B) given name(s);

    (C) surname;

    (D) date of birth;

    (E) state, and city or county of birth;

    (F) sex;

    (G) father's name;

    (H) mother's maiden name;

    (I) date of filing;

    (J) date issued;

    (K) certification statement;

    (L) signature or facsimile signature of the custodian; and

    (M) the seal of their office.

(b) Death certificates.

  (1) The state registrar, local registrar, or county clerk shall issue only two types of death certificates:

    (A) a full reproduction of the original record and any addenda as filed in their office; or

    (B) a certification or abstract of death facts, taken from the original record.

  (2) All certifications or abstracts of death records shall include as a minimum:

    (A) state or local file number;

    (B) given name(s);

    (C) surname:

    (D) date of death;

    (E) date of birth;

    (F) state, city or county of death;

    (G) sex;

    (H) date of filing;

    (I) date issued;

    (J) certification statement;

    (K) signature or facsimile signature of the custodian; and

    (L) the seal of their office.

(c) Security features. No certified copy or abstract shall be issued unless the issuing office provides security features in the paper used for issuance. Each sheet or document shall be made on paper which contains as a minimum the following features:

  (1) consecutive numbers;

  (2) background security features;

  (3) a copy void pantograph;

  (4) an engraved border;

  (5) microline printing or security thread;

  (6) sensitized security paper;

  (7) prismatic printing;

  (8) erasable fluorescent printing;

  (9) non-optical brighteners; and

  (10) complex colors.

(d) Other permitted security features. Other security features such as, but not limited to the following, may also be incorporated in the paper used:

  (1) intaglio printing;

  (2) security laminate;

  (3) latent image;

  (4) security thread; or

  (5) watermark.

(e) Record retention. A record of the date issued, document number, name and address and form of identification to whom issued shall be made and maintained for a period of three years from the date issued. The application form, with the document number inserted, used to apply for a record will fulfill this requirement.

Source Note: The provisions of this §181.28 adopted to be effective March 16, 1995, 20 TexReg 1559.

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