(a) A general-purpose committee that changes its operation
and becomes a specific-purpose committee is subject to the requirements
applicable to a specific-purpose committee as of the date it files
its campaign treasurer appointment as a specific-purpose committee.
(b) The campaign treasurer of a general-purpose committee
that changes its operation and becomes a specific-purpose committee
shall deliver written notice of the change in status to the commission.
(c) The notice shall identify the filing authority
with whom future filings by the committee are expected to be made.
(d) The notice required by this section is due not
later than the next deadline for filing a report under this subchapter
(1) occurs after the change in status; and
(2) would be applicable to the committee if it were
still a general-purpose committee.
(e) As provided by §20.301 of this title (relating
to Thresholds for Campaign Treasurer Appointment), a new specific-purpose
committee involved in an election supporting or opposing a candidate
for a statewide office, the state legislature, the State Board of
Education, or a multi-county district office in a primary or general
election may not accept political contributions exceeding $500 and
may not make or authorize political expenditure exceeding $500 unless
the committee's campaign treasurer appointment as a specific-purpose
committee has been on file at least 30 days before the applicable
election day.