The following words and terms, when used in this Part, shall
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
(1) Act--The Government Code, Chapter 571 (concerning
Texas Ethics Commission).
(2) Administrative Procedure Act--The Government Code,
Chapter 2001 (concerning Administrative Procedure).
(3) Agency--The state agency governed by the commission,
as it functions and operates through the administrative staff hired
by the commission and its executive director.
(4) Commission--The Texas Ethics Commission, as constituted
and described in the Texas Constitution, Article 3, §24a and
in the Government Code, Chapter 571.
(5) Document--A report, complaint, response, letter,
or any other written material.
(6) Executive director--The person employed by the
commission to serve as the agency's chief administrative officer,
or any other employee of the commission acting as the designee of
the executive director.
(7) Filer--A person required to file a report with
the commission or a local filing authority in accordance with a law
enforced by the commission.
(8) Individual--A human being who has been born and
is alive.
(9) Local filing authority--A public servant other
than the Texas Ethics Commission with whom a filer must file a report
in accordance with a law enforced by the commission.
(10) Open Meetings Law--The Government Code, Chapter
551 (concerning Open Meetings).
(11) Open Records Law--The Government Code, Chapter
552 (concerning Open Records).
(12) Person--An individual, representative, corporation,
association, or other entity, including any nonprofit corporation,
or any agency or instrumentality of federal, state, or local government.
(13) Postmark--A postal cancellation by the United
States Postal Service that contains the post office name, state, and
zip code and the month, day, and year the canceling post office accepted
custody of the material.
(14) Report--Any document or other information required
to be filed under this title.
(15) Staff--Employees of the commission, hired by the
commission or the executive director.
(16) Title 15--The Election Code, Title 15 (concerning
Regulating Political Funds and Campaigns).
Source Note: The provisions of this §6.1 adopted to be effective December 31, 1993, 18 TexReg 9707; amended to be effective September 19, 2001, 26 TexReg 7115; amended to be effective March 10, 2015, 40 TexReg 1059; amended to be effective May 3, 2018, 43 TexReg 2539; amended to be effective October 27, 2024, 49 TexReg 8573 |