(a) The drawing depicts the mark sought to be registered
and will be used to reproduce the mark on the registration certificate.
The drawing shall be a substantially exact representation of the mark
as actually used on or in connection with the goods and/or services.
(b) The drawing must be clear and legible and presented
on white paper, so that a clear electronic image may be made. An electronic
reproduction of the mark will suffice as the drawing, as long as it
meets the requirements of this section and §93.52 of this title
(relating to Requirements for a Drawing).
(c) The drawing sheet should be no larger than 8 1/2
inches by 11 inches. The actual drawing of the mark must be no larger
than 3.15 inches (8 cm) high by 3.15 inches (8 cm) wide.
(d) The drawing must depict only one mark and should
be limited to the mark sought to be registered. Matter appearing on
the specimens that is not part of the mark should not be placed on
the drawing sheet. Purely informational matter such as package contents,
contact information, and organizational identifiers are generally
not considered part of the mark.