(a) Marks that include standard
characters: For purposes of this chapter, a "standard character"
shall be words, letters, numbers, or any combination thereof without
claim to any particular font, style, or color.
(1) If the mark sought to be registered consists of
standard characters, those characters shall be typed in capital letters
with black ink.
(2) When a mark includes standard characters, those
characters shown in the drawing do not have to appear in the exact
same font, style, or color as the specimen of use. However, the Secretary
of State will review the mark depicted on the specimen to determine
whether the characters are so distinctive as to change the overall
commercial impression of the mark.
(b) Marks that include a design
element: A mark is considered to contain a design element,
if the mark is comprised, in whole or in part, of special characteristics
such as a two or three-dimensional design and/or words, letters, or
numbers or the combination thereof in a particular font, style, or
(c) Marks that include color: If
a color is claimed as a feature of the mark pursuant to §93.36
of this title (relating to Color in the Mark), the drawing of the
mark may be presented in either color or black and white. If the drawing
of the mark is in color, it must match the color(s) described in the
color location statement. If color is not claimed as a feature of
the mark, any color(s) shown in the drawing sheet will be disregarded.