(a) A complete initial registration or renewal is comprised
(1) A completed registration form (See Form 3801);
(2) Payment of the filing fee stated in §98.5
of this chapter (relating to Filing Fees); and
(3) A registrant contact sheet (See Form 3802).
(b) A registration or renewal must comply with the
Business & Commerce Code, §73.004, and also provide:
(1) For the dental support organization:
(A) The legal name; and
(B) The business address and mailing address, if different.
(2) For each dentist who is being provided two or more
business support services under a dental support agreement:
(A) The dentist's name and business address;
(B) If the dentist provides services through a professional
entity, the legal name of the professional entity; and
(C) A disclosure of the business support services provided
pursuant to any dental support agreement the dental support organization
(3) For each person who owns 10% or more of the dental
support organization:
(A) The name and address of the owner; and
(B) Whether the owner is a dentist or non-dentist owner.
(c) Each registration shall be signed by a person authorized
to act by or on behalf of the dental support organization.