(a) For this section, the word Subrecipient also includes
Multifamily Development Owners who have Direct Loan or HOME-ARP Funds
or grants, or 811 PRA assistance. The Department requires Subrecipient
organizations, and any entities who perform services and assistance
on their behalf, to document client services and assistance. Subrecipient
organizations must arrange for the security of all program-related
computer files through a remote, online, or managed backup service.
Confidential client files must be maintained in a manner to protect
the privacy of each client and to maintain the same for future reference.
Subrecipient organizations must store physical client files in a secure
space in a manner that ensures confidentiality and in accordance with
Subrecipient organization policies and procedures. To the extent that
it is financially feasible, archived client files should be stored
offsite from Subrecipient headquarters, in a secure space in a manner
that ensures confidentiality and in accordance with organization policies
and procedures.
(b) Records of client eligibility must be retained
for five years starting from the date the household activity is completed,
unless otherwise provided in federal regulations governing the program.
(c) Other records must be maintained as described in
the Contract or the LURA, and in accordance with federal or state
law for the programs described in the Chapters of this Part.