(a) Owners are required to submit evidence of final
construction within 30 calendar days of completion in a format prescribed
by the Department. Owners are encouraged to request a final construction
inspection promptly to allow the Department to inspect Units prior
to occupancy to avoid disruption of households in the event that corrective
action is required. In addition, the Architect of Record must submit
a certification that the Development was built in compliance with
all applicable laws, and the Engineer of Record (if applicable) must
submit a certification that the Development was built in compliance
with the design requirements.
(b) During the inspection, the Department will confirm
that amenities committed in the Application have been provided and
will inspect for compliance with the applicable accessibility requirements.
In addition, an inspection using National Standards for the Physical
Inspection of Real Estate may be completed.
(c) IRS Form(s) 8609 will not be released until the
Owner receives written notice from the Department that all noted deficiencies
have been resolved.