(a) A Subrecipient of Homeless Program funds that constructs
or rehabilitates a building or Dwelling Unit, or converts a building(s)
for use as a shelter may be required to enter into a LURA. No new
construction, renovation (other than repairs), rehabilitation, or
conversion of a shelter, or construction or rehabilitation of a Dwelling
Unit may be performed using ESG funds.
(b) Tex. Gov't Code §2306.185 requires certain
multifamily rental developments to have, among other provisions, a
30-year LURA.
(c) A Subrecipient that intends to expend funds for
new construction, rehabilitation, or conversion must submit a copy
of the activity budget inclusive of all sources and uses of funding,
documents for a construction plan review, and identification of the
entity and signature authorization of the individual (name and title)
that will execute the LURA. These documents must be submitted no less
than 90 calendar days prior to the end of the Contract Term under
which funds for the activity are provided. The Department may elect
to reconsider award amounts if financial resources other than those
presented in the Application are subsequently committed to an activity.
(d) A Subrecipient must request a final construction
inspection within 30 calendar days of construction completion. The
inspection will cover the Shelter and Housing Standards, National
Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate, 2012 International
Residential Code (or municipality adopted later version), Minimum
Energy Efficiency Requirements for Single Family Construction Activities,
and the Accessibility Standards in Chapter 1, Subchapter B, as applicable
for the Homeless Program and activity.