(a) Subrecipient will be reimbursed for the amount
of actual cash disbursements as reflected in the approved Monthly
Expenditure Reports.
(b) Subrecipient must submit a Monthly Performance
Report and a Monthly Expenditure Report through the Contract System
not later than the last day of each month which reflects performance
and expenditures conducted in the prior month.
(c) For performance reports, Program Participants that
are assisted continuously as a Contract ends and a new Contract begins
in the same program will count as new Program Participants for the
new Contract. However, the start of a new Contract does not require
new eligibility determination or documentation for Program Participants,
except as required for Recertification.
(d) Subrecipient shall reconcile their Expenditures
with their performance at least monthly before seeking a request for
funds for the following month. If the Subrecipient is unable to reconcile
on a month-to-month basis, the Subrecipient must provide, at the request
of the Department, a written explanation for the variance and take
appropriate measures to reconcile the subsequent month. It is the
responsibility of a Subrecipient to ensure that it has documented
the compliant use of all funds provided prior to receipt of additional
funds, or if this cannot be done to address the repayment of such
(e) Failure of a Subrecipient to provide reports as
required under Department rules or the Contract may be sufficient
reason for the Department to deobligate funds for which a Monthly
Expenditure Report has not been submitted.
(f) If the Subrecipient fails to submit within 45 calendar
days of its due date, any report or response required by this section
and responses to monitoring reports, Department may, in its sole discretion,
suspend payments, place the Subrecipient on Cost Reimbursement method
of payment, and initiate proceedings to terminate any active Contract.
(g) Subrecipient must report on all measures in the
Monthly Performance Report for demographics and Program Participant
Services for which they are awarded.
(h) Subrecipient must submit information requested
by the Department for annual or biannual reporting. The annual reporting
may extend over multiple Contracts.
(1) ESG Subrecipients will submit information yearly
as required for the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation
Report, including, but not limited to:
(A) HMIS exports as required per HUD; and
(B) Section 3 provision of the HUD Act of 1968, as
required per HUD.
(2) Subrecipients of state funds will submit information
for biennial reporting to the Texas Legislature, including, but not
limited to:
(A) The successes and challenges of the program, including
using state funding in ways that cannot be used by other funding sources;
(B) How funds were used to leverage other funding sources
to persons experiencing homelessness.