(a) As authorized by Tex. Transp. Code §502.415,
the Ending Homelessness Fund (EH Fund) provides grant funding only
to counties and municipalities for the purpose of combating homelessness.
(b) Permitted EH Fund eligible activities include any
activity determined to be eligible under Subchapter B of this Chapter,
Homeless Housing and Services Program (HHSP), and as otherwise described
in this subchapter and Subchapter A of this chapter.
(c) Capitalized terms used in this subchapter shall
follow the meanings defined in Subchapter A of this chapter, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise. Additionally, any words and
terms not defined in this section but defined or given specific meaning
in 24 CFR Part 576, or used in that Part and defined elsewhere in
state or federal law or regulation, when used in this chapter, shall
have the meanings defined therein, unless the context herein clearly
indicates otherwise.
(d) Funds awarded under the EH Fund are not subject
to any Match requirements, but may be used as Match for other programs
that do require Match.