(a) Negotiated rulemaking. (1) The commission's policy is to encourage the use of negotiated rulemaking for the adoption of commission rules in appropriate situations. (2) The commission's deputy director or his designee shall be the commission's negotiated rulemaking coordinator (NRC). The NRC shall perform the following functions, as required: (A) coordinate the implementation of the policy set out in subsection (a)(1) of this section, and in accordance with the Negotiated Rulemaking Act, Chapter 2008, Government Code; (B) serve as a resource for any staff training or education needed to implement negotiated rulemaking procedures; and (C) collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of negotiated rulemaking procedures implemented by the commission. (3) The commission, its rules committee, or the executive director may direct the NRC to begin negotiated rulemaking procedures on a specified subject. (b) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). (1) The commission's policy is to encourage the resolution and early settlement of internal and external disputes, including contested cases, through voluntary settlement processes, which may include any procedure or combination of procedures described by Chapter 154, Civil Practice and Remedies Code. Any ADR procedure used to resolve disputes before the commission shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 2009, Government Code, and any model guidelines for the use of ADR issued by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. (2) The commission's deputy executive director or his designee shall be the commission's dispute resolution coordinator (DRC). The DRC shall perform the following functions, as required: (A) coordinate the implementation of the policy set out in subsection (a) of this section; (B) serve as a resource for any staff training or education needed to implement the ADR procedures; and (C) collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of ADR procedures implemented by the commission. (3) The commission, a committee of the commission, a respondent in a disciplinary matter pending before the commission, the executive director, or a commission employee engaged in a dispute with the executive director or another employee, may request that the contested matter be submitted to ADR. The request must be in writing, be addressed to the DRC, and state the issues to be determined. The person requesting ADR and the DRC will determine which method of ADR is most appropriate. If the person requesting ADR is the respondent in a disciplinary proceeding, the executive director shall determine if the commission will participate in ADR or proceed with the commission's normal disciplinary processes. (4) Any costs associated with retaining an impartial third party mediator, moderator, facilitator, or arbitrator, shall be borne by the party requesting ADR. (5) Agreements of the parties to ADR must be in writing and are enforceable in the same manner as any other written contract. Confidentiality of records and communications related to the subject matter of an ADR proceeding shall be governed by §154.073 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code. (6) If the ADR process does not result in an agreement, the matter shall be referred to the commission for other appropriate disposition. |