(a) The Texas Film Commission (Commission) may, in
its sole discretion, designate a Feature Film or Television Program
as a Texas Heritage Project.
(b) A project that the Commission designates as a Texas
Heritage Project may receive an additional grant in an amount equal
to 2.5% of total in-state spending.
(c) When evaluating a project as a Texas Heritage Project,
the Commission shall consider the project's:
(1) current and likely future effect on the promotion
of Texas' historic, cultural, natural, or man-made resources;
(2) current and likely future economic impact on Texas
communities through direct production spending and tourism;
(3) inclusion of Texas residents in positions of significant
creative or economic influence, such as producer, director, or investor;
(4) portrayal of Texas and Texans in a positive fashion.
(d) Designation as a Texas Heritage Project is discretionary
and is made in the sole determination of the Commission.
(e) Up to $2,500,000 of Texas Moving Image Industry
Incentive Program funds may be used during each biennium for awarding
the additional grant to designated Texas Heritage Projects.