(a) This section implements the provisions of Texas Government
Code, §2171.1045, concerning the use and management of state agency vehicles,
and the provisions of the State Vehicle Management Plan adopted by the State
Council on Competitive Government on October 11, 2000. The plan may be viewed
at the web site of the General Services Commission at www.gsc.state.tx.us/fleet,
or any successor site that may be created by the Texas Building and Procurement
(b) Vehicles, with the exception of vehicles assigned to field
employees, are assigned to the Railroad Commission's motor pool and shall
be available for checkout by a Commission employee.
(c) The Commission may assign a vehicle to an individual administrative
or executive employee on a regular or everyday basis only if there is a documented
finding that the assignment is critical to the needs and mission of the Commission.
(d) A Commission employee is prohibited from bidding on a surplus
vehicle if the employee has been involved in the inspection of the vehicle.