(a) A protestant may withdraw their protest at any
time prior to the commission's final decision. Withdrawal of a protest
may not be subject to any conditions.
(b) A withdrawal of a protest must be submitted in
writing to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, ATTN: Licensing
Protest Coordinator, P.O. Box 13127, Austin, Texas, 78711, or to the
protest email address for the TABC Region in which the applicant premises
is located, as follows:
(1) Protests_Reg1@tabc.texas.gov
(2) Protests_Reg2@tabc.texas.gov
(3) Protests_Reg3@tabc.texas.gov
(4) Protests_Reg4@tabc.texas.gov; or
(5) Protests_Reg5@tabc.texas.gov.
(c) The protestant should also transmit a copy of the
withdrawal to the applicant.
(d) If all protests have been withdrawn, the executive
director may grant the application and issue the license or permit,
subject to other applicable statutes or rules.