(a) A request for Temporary Event Approval or application
for a Nonprofit Entity Temporary Event Permit filed under this subchapter
must be filed at least ten business days prior to the event date to
avoid a late filing fee. If the request or application is filed less
than ten business days prior to the event date, it must be accompanied
by the appropriate late filing fee set forth below, in addition to
any other applicable fees.
(b) A late filing fee is required for a request for
Temporary Event Approval or application for a Nonprofit Entity Temporary
Event Permit as follows:
(1) a late filing fee of $300 is required for applications
submitted seven to nine business days before the event for which the
approval or permit is requested.
(2) a late filing fee of $500 is required for applications
submitted four to six business days before the event for which the
approval or permit is requested.
(3) a late filing fee of $900 is required for applications
submitted one to three business day(s) before the event for which
the approval or permit is requested.