(a) A licensee shall maintain accurate records of professional
services rendered.
(b) Records must be maintained for a minimum of five
consecutive years or longer as warranted.
(c) Records are the responsibility and property of
the entity or individual who owns the practice or the practice setting.
(d) Records created as a result of treatment in a school
setting shall be maintained as part of the student's permanent school
(e) A licensee shall bill a client or a third party
only for the services actually rendered in the manner agreed to by
the licensee and the client or the client's authorized representative.
(f) A licensee shall provide, in clear language, a
written explanation of the charges for speech-language pathology and/or
audiology services previously made on a bill or statement for the
client upon the written request of a client, a client's guardian,
or a client's parent, if the client is a minor.
(g) A licensee shall comply with the Health and Safety
Code §311.0025, which prohibits improper, unreasonable, or medically
unnecessary billing by hospitals or health care professionals.
(h) A licensee shall use current and appropriate diagnostic
and procedure codes.