(a) All fees paid to the department are nonrefundable.
(b) Licensing fees are as follows:
(1) application and initial license, behavior analyst--$165
(2) application and initial license, assistant behavior
(3) renewal, behavior analyst--$165
(4) renewal, assistant behavior analyst--$110
(5) change, active status to inactive status--$0
(6) change, inactive status to active status--$25
(7) renewal of license on inactive status--renewal
fees as stated in paragraphs (3) and (4)
(8) license duplicate or replacement--$25
(c) Late renewal fees for licenses issued under this
chapter are prescribed under §60.83.
(d) The fee for a dishonored/returned check or payment
is the fee prescribed under §60.82.
(e) The fee for a criminal history evaluation letter
is the fee prescribed under §60.42.