(a) This section applies to a "health professional"
as defined under Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 108, Subchapter B,
and who is regulated by the commission and the department. This section
applies to the licenses and permits issued under the following programs:
(1) hearing instrument fitters and dispensers;
(2) podiatrists; and
(3) speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
(b) The department shall deny an application for a
license as a health care professional under this section, and shall
revoke the license of a health care professional under this section,
based on the person's criminal history and the requirements set out
under Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 108, Subchapter B.
(c) A person whose application for licensure as a health
care professional under this section has been denied, or whose license
as a health care professional under this section has been revoked,
pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 108, Subchapter B, may
reapply or seek reinstatement as provided by that subchapter.