Institutions of higher education shall submit current data
to the Coordinating Board for the following reports:
(1) Facilities Inventory.
(A) Periodic Review. Institutions shall report a record
of all property, buildings, and rooms occupied or in the control of
an institution in a format specified by the Coordinating Board.
(i) The institution shall update its inventory of facilities
on an ongoing basis.
(ii) The inventory is subject to periodic audits.
(iii) The inventory shall be certified by the institution
annually on or before November 1, or as specified by the Board staff.
(B) Use. The Coordinating Board shall use the data
reported in the facilities inventory for the facilities audit program
and for other required or requested analyses. The facilities inventory
shall be used to complete the following reports:
(i) the Space Projection Model;
(ii) calculation of an institution's Building Replacement
Estimate Report;
(iii) calculation of the Space Usage Efficiency (SUE)
report; and
(iv) calculation of the construction cost standard.
(2) Facilities Development Reports.
(A) Capital Expenditure Plan (MP1). On or before July
1 of every year, beginning in 2004, an institution shall submit an
update to its Capital Expenditure Plan (MP1) on file with the Coordinating
Board, as required by Texas Education Code, §61.0572(b)(4). In
every even-numbered year, the Commissioner shall provide Facilities
Development Plan data to the Bond Review Board for inclusion in the
Capital Expenditure Report. This report may include planned maintenance,
facilities adaptation, and deferred maintenance projects. The data
may be used by the Coordinating Board to respond to legislative requests,
predictions of future space need, and similar analyses. The report
shall include projects that are planned within the next five years,
regardless of funding source, in alignment with dollar thresholds
established by the most recent General Appropriations Act and Bond
Review Board guidelines:
(i) new construction projects;
(ii) repair and rehabilitation projects;
(iii) information resource projects;
(iv) property purchases that cumulatively would total
more than the dollar thresholds established by the most recent General
Appropriations Act and Bond Review Board guidelines (the actual property
address or location for individual property acquisitions may be, but
are not required to be, identified in a single proposed project entitled
"property acquisitions" with a total cost of all purchases or acquisitions
projected over the reporting period);
(v) the funding source for any planned project identified
in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this subparagraph; and
(B) Campus Condition Report. Annually, an institution
shall provide a copy of its Campus Condition Report to the Coordinating
Board, as supplied to their Governing Board.